Sverre Bromander,president i Juristforbundet Sturlason AS Polyfoto
«En fri og kritisk redaktørstyrt presse har flere paralleller til domstolenes uavhengighet og funksjon i kriser»,skriver presidenten i Juristforbundet.
I lys av Stortingets åpne høring om regjeringens totalberedskapsmelding, fremhever advokat ina Lindahl Nyrud fra Norsk Journalistlag viktigheten av innsyn og åpenhet i beredskapsplaner. Regjeringens tre hovedmål i stortingsmeldingen indikerer et ønske om et robust sivilsamfunn som er forberedt på kriser og krig, motstår komplekse trusler, og støtter militære tiltak. Juristforbundet deltok også på høringen og understreket at beredskap strekker seg utover politi og forsvar.
Juristforbundet støtter Norsk Journalistlags krav om at redaktørstyrte medier må inkluderes på listen over «samfunnskritiske funksjoner». Den frie pressen er avgjørende for samfunnets motstandskraft og for at sivilsamfunnet skal fungere optimalt. Redaktørstyrte medier må derfor anerkjennes og behandles som samfunnskritiske.
Paralleller mellom presse og domstoler
Betydningen av en fri og kritisk redaktørstyrt presse har klare paralleller til domstolenes uavhengighet, spesielt i krisesituasjoner. Begge institusjoner, den tredje og fjerde statsmakt, er essensielle for å balansere de øvrige statsmaktene og ivareta befolkningens rettigheter, inkludert mindretallets.
Motstandskraft mot desinformasjon
Regjeringen har som mål å styrke motstandskraften mot desinformasjon og forbedre evnen til kildekritikk. Det er vanskelig å forestille seg et robust sivilsamfunn som fungerer optimalt uten at både pressen og domstolene får den samme oppmerksomheten som Stortinget og regjeringen.
Historiske perspektiver
Historien viser at den frie pressen og uavhengige domstoler ofte er de første målene for angrep. Utviklingen i land som Ungarn, Polen og Israel illustrerer hvordan rettsstater kan undergraves raskt. Det første steget i en autoritær strategi er å svekke uavhengige domstoler, som sammen med pressen utgjør en betydelig motmakt mot autoritære ledere.
grunnlovsfesting av domstolenes uavhengighet
I mai i fjor ble domstolenes uavhengighet grunnlovsfestet, noe juristforbundet anså som helt nødvendig i fredstid. Det er like viktig å ikke ta domstolene for gitt når regjeringen nå planlegger for landets totalberedskap. I totalberedskapsmeldingen nevnes domstolene kun to ganger, til tross for at de er oppført som «samfunnskritiske funksjoner».
Styrking av demokratiet
For å styrke demokratiets stilling i Norge og globalt, må vi støtte uavhengige domstoler og frie medier. Den viktigste motstanden vi kan yte, er å opprettholde og etterleve de verdier og prinsipper som vårt samfunn er bygget på.
Protecting Democracy: Why a Free Press is Essential for Norway’s Total Preparedness – An Expert Interview
Keywords: Totalberedskap, free Press, Domstolene, Samfunnskritiske funksjoner, Crisis Preparedness, Democracy, Media Independence, Desinformation, Juristforbundet, Norsk Journalistlag Editor: Welcome, everyone, to this vital discussion about the role of a free press in Norway’s total preparedness strategy. today, we’re joined by Dr. Astrid Berg, a leading expert in media law and societal resilience at the University of Oslo, to unpack the recent debate spurred by the government’s total preparedness report and the arguments put forth by organizations like Juristforbundet Sturlason and Norsk Journalistlag. Dr. Berg, thank you for being here.
Dr. Astrid Berg: Thank you for having me. This is a critical conversation. Editor: Let’s start with the core of the issue. The Juristforbundet argues that editor-controlled media should be officially designated as “samfunnskritiske funksjoner” – essential for society to function during a crisis. Why is this so critically importent?
Dr. Astrid Berg: The argument underscores a fundamental point: a well-informed public is a resilient public. In times of crisis, accurate, timely details is as vital as food, water, and security. Editor-controlled media, with their commitment to journalistic ethics and fact-checking, serve as a bulwark against misinformation and panic. Designating them as “samfunnskritiske funksjoner” ensures they receive the resources and protections needed to continue operating effectively, irrespective of the circumstances. This is a crucial aspect of ensuring societal resilience. Editor: The article draws parallels between a free press and the independence of the judiciary. Can you elaborate on that connection?
Dr. Astrid Berg: Absolutely. Both a free press and an autonomous judiciary are cornerstones of a robust democracy. They act as checks on power, holding authorities accountable and safeguarding individual rights, including those of minorities.In a crisis, this scrutiny is even more vital. A free press can expose government overreach or inefficiencies,while an independent judiciary can provide legal recourse if rights are violated. Without these two pillars, a society is vulnerable to authoritarian tendencies, especially during times of national emergency. Editor: The government emphasizes strengthening resistance against disinformation. How does a free press contribute to this goal, and where does it fit in the totalberedskap plan?
Dr. Astrid Berg: Combating disinformation isn’t just about technical solutions; it’s about cultivating a culture of critical thinking and informed citizenship. A free and investigative press plays a vital role in this. By providing diverse perspectives, rigorously fact-checking information, and exposing falsehoods, the media empowers individuals to make informed decisions. totalberedskap is a framework but it won’t be effective if the channels of factual communication and accurate information delivery are missing. Editor: The piece mentions the situation in countries like Hungary, Poland, and Israel, where pressure on independent media and judiciaries has been observed. What lessons can Norway learn from these examples?
Dr. Astrid Berg: These are cautionary tales. They demonstrate that democratic backsliding often begins with subtle erosions of press freedom and judicial independence. These regimes, often through legislative changes or economic pressure, attempt to silence critical voices and undermine the rule of law.Norway must be vigilant in safeguarding these institutions, recognizing that their strength is essential for resisting authoritarian tendencies. The erosion of media independence can happen very quickly. Editor: The article highlights that the judiciary is only mentioned twice in the total preparedness report, despite being labeled as a “samfunnskritisk funksjon.” Does this indicate a possible oversight or a lack of focus on the judiciary’s importance in crisis management?
dr. Astrid Berg: It certainly raises concerns.While I can’t speculate on intent, the limited mentions suggest a potential underestimation of the judiciary’s role in maintaining order and protecting rights during a crisis. The courts are crucial for ensuring that emergency measures are lawful and proportionate. Their absence in the main conversation around preparedness coudl have serious implications. Editor: What practical advice would you give to our readers to help them support a free press and contribute to a more resilient society?
Dr. Astrid Berg: Firstly, actively seek out and support quality journalism. Subscribe to reputable news sources, both local and national. Discern sources which are editor-controlled media as opposed to influencer-driven media. Engage critically with information online, fact-check claims before sharing them, and be wary of echo chambers. Secondly, advocate for policies that protect press freedom and judicial independence. Contact your elected officials, participate in public debates, and support organizations that defend these fundamental rights. The best antidote to disinformation and authoritarianism is an engaged and informed citizenry. The Juristforbundet and Norsk Journalistlag websites are great places to start for more information on how to support their missions. support the people risking their freedom everyday to bring you factual and unbiased information, this may come at a cost, but it is a very wise investment. Editor: Dr. Berg, thank you so much for sharing your insights with us today. This has been an incredibly valuable discussion.
Dr. Astrid Berg: My pleasure. Thank you for highlighting this important issue.