The members of the committee always gather at a different location, this time in Kisapostag, in the meeting room of the mayor’s office. These are closed-door meetings, where the accident situation of the city and the region is always analyzed and evaluated. The press was also invited to the beginning of Tuesday’s meeting, as the 2023 Accident Prevention Award was presented in a ceremonial setting. This year, the committee awarded this recognition to teacher Hajnalka Horváthné Ottinger.
Photo: Izabella Laczkó
As police officer László Kőhalmi, secretary of the committee, said at the presentation of the award, he had the opportunity to personally get to know Hajnalka Horváthné Ottinger at Móricz Zsigmond Primary School, who taught at this institution from 2013 and later became its director. The children’s “Hajni aunt” has been teaching the youth of the future for thirty years. In his work, he has always placed great emphasis on the transfer of traffic safety knowledge, so that the students can travel independently and confidently, either on foot or by bicycle or scooter, with sufficient knowledge. The teacher currently works at the primary school in Kulci, but she still treats it as a priority to teach young people the basics of correct and safe traffic. Here, too, he patronizes “Let’s travel together, take care of each other!” (KEVE) accident prevention educational program: this is an educational method in which the police and teachers complement each other and interactively, in a playful framework, teach elementary school students about safe traffic in an ascending system, from recognizing traffic signs to the correct use of public transportation. .

Photo: Izabella Laczkó
Award for accident prevention
The recognition was given by police lieutenant colonel László Törköly, a Dunaújváros Police Department its leader, the chairman of the committee, and Attila Nagy, mayor of Kisapostag, handed it over to Hajnalka Horváthné Ottinger.
The teacher thanked him for the recognition and also shared with the members of the committee that his eldest son had chosen the profession of a policeman, who actually serves as a confirmation of his faith every single day. He also said that the KEVE program currently operates in two grades at the school in Kulci, but he is confident that, with the support of the school principal, they can continue educating students on safe and conscious traffic in the upward system.
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2024-10-27 09:00:00