“He is a responsible man who ensures his position as a statesman”

by time news

2023-12-03 22:58:12

Wilfried Houngbédji on Talon’s refusal to pardon Reckya Madougou: “He is a responsible man who ensures his position as a statesman”

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The head of state, Patrice Talon, has refused for the umpteenth time his predecessor’s request to pardon Reckya Madougou. He reiterated this decision during his recent meeting with representatives of the Democratic political party led by the former President of the Republic, Dr. Thomas Yayi Boni. Questioned last Friday about this decision by the President of the Republic, Deputy Secretary General and Government Spokesperson Wilfried Léandre Houngbédji was not surprised. He sees a head of state who is in complete constancy. “He is a responsible man who ensures his position as a statesman. Which shows us that a head of state must have a directional line that makes him act. That it’s not emotions that make him act. So the President was quite honest about his position. The one he had already meant in the past. This shows the consistency of the Head of State,” the spokesperson suggested. Wilfried Léandre Houngbédji will support President Talon by using the following quote: “By forgiving too much to those who are at fault, we offend those who are not at fault”. According to Wilfried Houngbédji, the head of state clearly explained that those who mobilized young people to commit delusions in their name are entirely responsible and will have to answer for their actions. Concerning the fate of the other detainees (students) who may have been manipulated, the Head of State could pardon them once the procedures have been completed at the level of justice. “The fact of wanting us to speed up the process will not lead the justice system to sidestep the procedures. What is clear is that there were instructions for the package to be seized so that the procedures could be accelerated, if there were reasons for blocking, so that all this would be lifted quickly enough so that the trials stand. Those who should benefit from dismissal, let them benefit, those who should be condemned, be condemned. But the procedure will be completed and from that moment, the Head of State will have the hand to possibly take a measure of pardon as appropriate if necessary,” explained the spokesperson.

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#responsible #man #ensures #position #statesman

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