The restrictive measures for vehicle traffic in the center of Athens (Micros Dactylios) come into force from today. What drivers need to know.
They are back from today, Monday, October 14 the restrictive measures regarding the movement of vehicles in the center of Athens (Micros Daktylios) and which will be in force until Friday, July 18, 2025.
The boundaries of the Little Ring are defined by the following streets and avenues:
L. Alexandras – Zakharov – L. Mesogeion – Fidippidou – Michalakopoulou – Sp. Frantzi – L. Andr. Sygrou – Hamosterna – Piraeus – Iera Odos – L. Konstantinoupoleos – Achilleos – Pl. Karaiskaki – Karolou – Marni – October 28 (Patision) – L. Alexandras.
On the border boulevards and Mikros Daktiliou streets the restrictive measures do not apply.
On the streets and boulevards enclosed by the Little Ring, only IXE rotary traffic is allowed for cars, as well as trucks for private use with a maximum permissible laden vehicle mass (MAMF) of up to 2.2 tonnes, based on the digit last of their registration number (odd – even).
Which vehicles are excluded?
As indicated in the relevant announcement of EL.AS, vehicles of the categories exempted from the restrictions are not subject to the above prohibitions and circulate without any restrictions in the Little Ring, as well as the vehicles of the categories, which are required to be equipped with special permitsgranted by the Attica Traffic Directorate, in accordance with the provisions of Joint Ministerial Decision No. 195948 on 07/10.10.2024 (Government Gazette 5627, vol.
The owners and/or the owners, in particular, may print a special sign for their exceptional traffic in the center of Athens, electronically through the United Digital Portal of the Public Administration ( in paper form or in electronic form registered on their phone pocket:
- By construction, electric vehicles only, as well as construction hybrid electric vehicles, natural gas vehicles and GPL,
- Euro 6 carsapart from the above driving technologies, as long as they emit less than 120g/km of carbon dioxide (combined cycle price, according to the New European Driving Series/NEDC), classified for the first time in a Member State of the European Union until 31.12.2020),
- Euro 6 cars apart from the above driving technologies, as long as they emit less than 145g/km of carbon dioxide (combined cycle value according to the World Light Test Procedure/WLTP), registered for the first time in a member state of the European Union from 01.01.2021 onwards.
For permanent resident vehicles within the SMALL RINGpredicted special entry-exit zones and granted special card by the competent Services of the Municipality of Athens.
Fainne Beag: What hours and days is it valid?
The following are the days and hours of validity of the above restrictive measures:
– Monday to Thursday, hours 07.00 to 20.00,
– Friday, hours 07.00 to 15.00.
The Saturdaythe Sundaythe official holidaysas well as the days it runs strike by workers in all modes of public transportmeasures do not apply.
Applications for the issuance of special traffic permits can be submitted from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 14:00 & Saturday from 08:00 to 12:00 at the Attica Traffic Directorate headquarters. [Θ. Δηλιγιάννη 24-26, Γραφείο Δακτυλίου στο ισόγειο του κτιρίου (είσοδος από οδό Σάμου), τηλ.210-5284142, e-mail: [email protected]]by presentation, as well as the more specific documents/justifications and photocopies from the interested party:
a) Traffic License of the vehicle.
b) Driver’s license.
c) Valid Technical Inspection Certificate (KTEO).
d) Valid insurance policy.
The special traffic permits in MIKRO DAKTYLIO, granted by the Attica Traffic Directorate for the period 2023-2024, are still valid until 18-7-2025.
Violators of these restrictive measures are punished according to the provisions of article 52 par 6 of the Road Traffic Code.