Héctor Díaz-Polanco new leader of Morena; offers organization

by times news cr

Without shocks or internal divisions, Hector Diaz-Polanco became the​ new president of the Morena ⁣State Committee in⁤ the Mexico City for the period 2024 -2026.

With⁣ 195 votes in favor, Morena State​ Council appointed the Dominican ⁢Díaz-Polanco as replacement for Sebastian Ramirez since he was the only candidate⁣ to register to preside over the hegemonic party in ⁢the ⁤country’s capital.

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After ‍the appointment, the new morenista leader expressed in an interview with 24 HORAS that ⁣there is a commitment to show, guarantee ⁣unity and ⁤respect for the movement to continue the second floor of the⁣ transformation.

“All of ⁢us⁢ who are framed in the set of values ​​and principles of ‌Morena will have⁣ always ​singing voice and respect​ for their opinions with the idea ​that in harmony all let’s work”, he stressed.

The former ​local legislator highlighted⁣ that they are‍ determined to make the⁢ most of this period, since it is a gift because they have little electoral activity ⁤and in this ⁢way they will focus on strengthening their ​party in the capital to strengthen‌ its relationship with society.

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“That we‌ advance fundamentally, that is, ‍to consolidate⁤ and strengthen the organization of ​the party in the Mexico City, promote the process of political formation to the maximum,” he said.

The politician born in 1944 in the Dominican Republicbut of Mexican nationality, he studied Anthropology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and Sociology at El Colegio de México. Likewise, he has worked as an academic at⁤ the National⁢ School‌ of Anthropology and History (ENAH), a professor-researcher at the ‍Center⁤ for‍ Research and Higher ⁤Studies⁢ in Social Anthropology (CIESAS) and is ‍ national researcher​ level III for ⁢him National Council of Science and Technology.

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In his first​ message, he guaranteed‍ that from the capital ⁢they will maintain a ​constant attitude of militant defense of the‍ national government headed ‍by Claudia Sheinbaum, and endorsed unconditional support for the local​ leader, Clara Brugada.

For her part, the coordinator of the Parliamentary Group from Morena in Mexico City, Xóchitl Bravo, He explained that the conclave was ⁣held with the‍ aim of building,⁤ and⁤ in which ⁢there⁤ was a democratic election process.

At the end of the day, always going out as a unit is essential and⁢ the truth ⁤is that I am very happy because Héctor Díaz-Polanco is our president‍ today, and he is also​ an impressive figure‍ within Morena,” he stated.

How does Hector Diaz-Polanco intend to promote unity within the⁣ Morena ⁣party during his term from 2024 to⁣ 2026?

Interview Between Time.news Editor and Hector ‍Diaz-Polanco,‍ New President ​of the Morena State Committee in Mexico ‍City

Time.news⁣ Editor: ‌Good​ morning, Hector. Congratulations on your recent appointment ‌as the⁤ new president of the Morena State Committee in ⁢Mexico ⁤City.⁢ It’s ​a significant role, especially as the⁣ party ‍continues its efforts in the political ‌landscape. Can ⁢you share your vision for this upcoming ⁣term‍ from 2024 to 2026?

Hector Diaz-Polanco: Good morning! Thank you. My vision is centered around ⁣unity⁣ and⁢ respect within our movement. We have a⁣ unique opportunity during this period of lower electoral activity ⁢to consolidate and strengthen our organization in Mexico City. It’s crucial we ‌maintain harmony and work together towards our shared goals.

Time.news Editor: Unity seems to be a strong theme in your message. Especially⁣ in political parties, disagreements can arise. How do you plan to ⁢foster this unity among party members?

Hector Diaz-Polanco: Unity is vital for any organization, particularly​ for a party as significant ‌as Morena. We⁤ will⁣ ensure that every‌ member feels they have ‍a “singing voice” and can express their opinions. I believe fostering an‌ environment where ⁢respect and dialog are​ paramount‌ will encourage‍ collaboration. ​We all share‌ the values⁤ and principles⁣ of ⁤Morena, and it’s important ⁣to keep‌ that⁤ in focus.

Time.news Editor: What specific initiatives⁣ do ‌you foresee implementing⁣ to strengthen the relationship between the Morena party and the citizens of Mexico City?

Hector Diaz-Polanco: One of our primary initiatives will be promoting political ‍formation⁢ within ⁢the community. We want to involve citizens in the political⁤ process, educating them ‌on our values and how they can actively participate. Additionally, ‌we’ll be enhancing outreach programs that⁢ connect⁤ us ‌directly with the public,⁣ allowing their ‌voices to be heard and addressing their concerns.

Time.news Editor: It sounds like a ‌proactive approach. You ​mentioned earlier ‌about the importance of making the​ most out of this term. Can you ​elaborate on⁢ some goals you ⁣have set for yourself and the committee?

Hector Diaz-Polanco: Certainly. One key goal is to solidify our organizational structure throughout Mexico City. It involves not just ⁣administrative improvements but⁣ also engaging in discussions on pressing social issues. We aim ⁣to amplify our presence in communities, ⁤listening to their needs and working collaboratively toward ​solutions. ⁢Essentially,​ we’d like to pave the way for a stronger solidarity between⁤ our party‌ and the society‌ we serve.

Time.news Editor: That sounds promising. Lastly, ⁣what message would you like to convey to the members of⁣ Morena and the citizens of Mexico City⁢ as⁤ you embark on this new journey?

Hector⁤ Diaz-Polanco: ⁢I want‍ to tell ‍both​ our members and the citizens ⁤that we are committed to being inclusive and transparent. Together, we can achieve⁤ great ‍things. It’s time to solidify our connections‍ and ensure that our movement flourishes⁢ for everyone’s benefit. I invite everyone to engage ‌with us, share their visions, and work together towards a brighter future for Mexico City.

Time.news⁢ Editor: Thank you for your ‌insights, Hector. We‍ look ⁣forward to seeing the impact of your⁣ leadership over the next few years.

Hector Diaz-Polanco: Thank you for⁣ the ⁣opportunity! I’m eager to get started and ‌work alongside ‌everyone in this transformative journey.

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