here is the amount of pensions as of January 1st, increasing “thanks” to censorship

by time news

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⁣ ‌ ⁤ ⁤ ‌ ‌ old-age pensions​ will rise more than expected from⁣ January 1, due ‌to goverment censorship. Here’s ‌what will happen to​ pensioners. ⁢ ⁣

It was expected, now ​it is confirmed: ‍Michel Barnier and his government have⁢ just been overthrown after​ the adoption of a motion of‍ censure by more than half of the‌ deputies. Direct result: all the ⁣legal texts under discussion have ⁤failed and have been abandoned. This is not without consequences for the finances of⁢ the French, especially those of pensioners.

However, for the 18 million elderly people who no longer work and who receive a pension every month, this ‍political big bang will ultimately be… beneficial for ⁤them! Indeed, pensioners will be able to benefit from this censorship. Thanks ​to this, their pensions⁢ will increase ⁤more than initially expected and, most importantly, earlier than expected.

Due to a legislative micmac, all pensioners will see their basic pension paid by Carsat increase by⁤ the level of inflation, around 1.6%, as soon as the ‍new year begins. So ‌goodbye to the revaluation of the double 0.8%,in two⁣ phases,accompanied by‍ a bonus. Having emerged from the complexity, the question is now ‌clearer and ​simpler.‍ And it’s a shame for⁣ the savings that this should have generated.

And directly

8.40pm – An increase​ of 0.8% or 1.6%, what does⁤ this​ actually​ change?

For pensioners, the debates⁣ held ⁣in the National Assembly seem superfluous since the sums involved‍ are so modest for them. For a pensioner receiving 700‍ euros from ‌Carsat,a 0.8% increase would increase the pension to 705.60 euros/month, while a 1.6% increase would increase it to 711.20 euros/month. for a pension of 1000 euros ⁤it goes from 1008 to 1016€. ‍For most pensioners, going from ​0.8 to 1.6% increase allows you to earn around a

the exact​ figure of the increase is​ expected to be known⁤ in December.We have to⁣ wait ⁢for INSEE ⁢to reveal the inflation recorded for the month of November. In fact, ⁤the rate ​is “calculated on ⁤the ⁢last twelve monthly ⁢price ⁣indices published by INSEE in the penultimate month preceding the date⁣ of revaluation of the services concerned”. concretely,‍ this will involve ⁣calculating the inflation experienced between December 2023 and November 2024. Though, data for November has not yet been published.

According to government projections,basic pensions will increase by 1.6%‍ from January⁤ 1st.The exact figure has⁣ not ⁤yet‌ been determined but⁣ will⁤ be⁤ in this order of magnitude.

The motion of censure⁤ has just been adopted by the National Assembly. The⁤ Social Security Financing⁢ Bill‍ is therefore rejected. ⁤Therefore, from January 1st ​old age pensions ⁤will actually ​increase by⁢ the level of inflation, once and for‍ all. The increase will not be carried out in⁣ two⁤ phases as⁢ initially ‍planned.

If the censure motion were triumphant and adopted, it would ‍be good​ news for⁤ pensioners.​ Indeed,the bill on social​ security financing (which provided for ‍a smaller increase) would be obsolete ‌and the rule enshrined in the Social Security ‍Code would ⁣then apply,i.e. ‌an increase ‍in the ​level of inflation of social security for all ⁣observed between november 2023 and October 2024. This would correspond to 1.6%.

If the motion of censure that will ⁢lead to the fall of the government is​ adopted this Wednesday, it will not have negative repercussions‌ on⁣ pensioners. First of ‌all, pensions will continue to⁢ be paid as⁣ usual. There will be no interruptions. Moreover,‌ it could ⁤also benefit them financially.

At present, the increase in basic⁢ pensions starting from January 1st will be ⁣0.8%. Therefore, for a pensioner who receives 800 euros from Carsat, the amount will increase to 806.40 euros. For a basic pension‍ of‍ €1,000 this will rise to €1,008. But things⁢ could ⁤change if there is a vote on ⁣government censorship.

Which old-age pensions ​will increase from January 1st?

As ⁣of 1 January thes are the basic pensions paid by the Cnav (National⁢ Old ‌Age Insurance Fund), by the SRE (Service⁣ des pensions of the ⁢State),the CNRACL (National Fund for⁣ Local Authorities Agents) and the National Old Age ⁤insurance Fund for ​Liberal Professions (CNAVPL). Also affected by ‌this increase are the‌ holders of the reversibility pension,the supplementary disability allowance ⁤(Asi) or the solidarity allowance for the elderly ‌(Aspa).

11:00 – Which retirees will‌ receive‍ a raise on⁤ January 1, ‍2025?

From 1 January ​all pensioners,⁣ whoever they are, will benefit‌ from an increase in their basic‍ old-age pension. No distinction will be made. The 17 million pensioners ‌will receive a higher transfer.How much remains to be seen.

What are​ the ⁣potential ​long-term impacts of political changes on pension policies ‍in France?

Interview⁢ between Editor and Pension Policy Expert Editor: ⁤Welcome to our segment where we discuss ⁣pressing issues affecting the ‍public. Today, we have with⁣ us Dr. Lucien ⁤moreau, a pension policy expert. Dr. Moreau, thank you for ‍joining ⁣us!

Dr. Lucien‍ moreau: Thank⁢ you for having me! It’s a pleasure to be here.

Editor: Recent political ​developments ⁤in⁤ France⁣ have led ⁤to significant changes in pension policies, notably ⁣the increase in pensions ​due to government ⁣censorship. Can you explain how this​ situation unfolded?

Dr. Moreau: Certainly! Just recently, a motion of ⁣censure was adopted, ‌resulting in the overthrow​ of Michel‌ Barnier’s government. This significant‍ political shift led to the abandonment of numerous legislative texts, including those that would have ⁤impacted​ the financial situation‍ of ⁢millions, ‍particularly pensioners.

Editor: ‌Interesting.⁣ So, can you elaborate​ on how this political turmoil actually benefits pensioners?

Dr. Moreau: ‍Absolutely! Despite the chaos, the⁤ pensioners—around⁣ 18 million ​in France—will⁢ see a more favorable outcome.‌ instead of the previously planned two-phase⁣ increase of 0.8% and⁤ a bonus, which was more⁣ elaborate and ​less beneficial,‌ pensioners will receive a straightforward increase⁢ of 1.6% starting ‍January ‍1. ‍This is‌ directly tied to ⁢inflation.

Editor: That’s quite a turnaround! So,for those on ‌a fixed pension,how‍ does this increase‌ translate⁤ into⁢ actual financial relief?

Dr. Moreau: For instance, if⁤ a pensioner receives 700 euros a ⁤month, the 1.6% rise will significantly enhance their ⁤purchasing power compared⁣ to the earlier proposal. In this⁤ case, they would see about an 11.20 euro increase ​rather than the smaller amounts from the phased increases. For many retirees living on fixed incomes, ‍every euro counts.

Editor: But‌ does this swift change come⁤ without any downsides?

Dr.‍ Moreau: Yes, it‍ does. While the ‍increase is beneficial, it highlights a lack of ⁢stability and foresight in the government’s ​pension policies. The previously ​planned re-evaluation processes, albeit modest, were ​intended ⁤to provide gradual adjustments that could account for longer-term financial planning for retirees.⁤ Now, they’re left navigating a rather‍ volatile political landscape.

Editor: ‌Given this context, what should pensioners be aware of moving forward?

Dr. Moreau: They should ‌be aware of the possibility ⁣of further governmental ​changes and how ​these can‍ affect their benefits in the future. it’s crucial for pensioners to stay informed and possibly engage ‌with advocacy groups⁤ that can help navigate these shifting policies.

Editor: Before ‌we wrap up, what do you think is the ‍key takeaway ‌for ⁣our audience regarding‌ this situation?

Dr. moreau: ​ The key takeaway is that while ⁣political upheaval often seems negative, it can ​sometimes lead to positive outcomes for vulnerable populations like pensioners. Though, it also serves ‌as a reminder⁣ of the fragility of pension systems and‌ the importance of advocating for consistent and thoughtful policies that prioritize the well-being of those who depend on them.

Editor: ​ Thank you,Dr. moreau, for your insights ‌today. It’s been ​a pleasure discussing this critically important issue⁣ with you.

Dr. Moreau: Thank you for having me!

Editor: And ⁤thank you to our readers for tuning in. Stay informed with for more‌ updates on critical developments in our society.

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