How many millions did Cathy Barriga earn on her first day on the Onfayer platform?

by times news cr

The former mayor of Maipú, Cathy Barriga, earned several million in her first 24 hours on the <a href="" title="The millionaire amount that Faloon Larraguibel has earned selling adult content“>Onfayer platform, where she already uploads adult content.

More than successful was the debut of the former mayor of Maipú, Cathy Barriga, on the adult content platform Onfayersince in less than 24 hours the former Mekano girl raised several million pesos thanks to visits and subscriptions.

This was confirmed by Cristián Rubio, manager of Onfayer in Chile, who assured the program Hay que Decirlo that Cathy Barriga “She has all the support of her family, her husband and her children.“.

The former communal chief confirmed over the weekend her decision to join said platform with the purpose of generate income while serving total house arrestwithin the framework of the investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office, which charged her with fraud against the treasury and falsification of a public instrument.

How many millions did Cathy Barriga earn in one day?

According to what Cristián Rubio told Pamela Díaz and Nacho Gutiérrez, “In just 24 hours Cathy Barriga earned more than seven million pesos“.

On the occasion, the Onfayer executive referred to the viralizations that have been made of some of the photos of the former mayor and stated that “Deep down, that helps because there is no bad publicity, but everyone who is part of this platform knows that this is all or nothing.“.

“It could be that she wanted to close her account, and we could do it without any problem, but There are many people who can subscribe and that content can be archived on their devices“explained Rubio.

On the occasion, the host of the program, Pamela Díaz said that she has also been offered to join platforms that share adult content.

“They called me a year ago from a platform, and they wanted me to go take some photos on a yacht in Miami. Just to leave they offered me 15 million“, revealed.

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