How much will it cost to elect judges, magistrates and ministers by popular vote after reforming the Judiciary?

by times news cr

¿How much will the election of judges, magistrates and ministers cost? through the process of popular vote after the approval of the reform of the Judiciary? We tell you the details.

On September 11, the Senate approved the reform of the Judiciary after it was endorsed by the Chamber of Deputies, after which was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

In this way, the initiative that was presented during the previous six-year term came into force, giving rise to the new model of choice of judges, magistrates and ministers through the popular vote.

In this way, the definition of hundreds of charges of judging persons throughout the country, will be resolved through an electoral process that will represent an additional use of resources.

But,how much will it cost the election of judges, magistrates and ministers by popular vote as established in the recently approved reform of the Judiciary? We present to you the figures.

Judges, magistrates and ministers will be elected by popular vote (Video shot)

Reform of the Judicial Power: This will be the cost of the election of judges, magistrates and ministers

Before the launch of the reform of the Judiciary and the acquittal of charges of judging persons, the 881 positions that will be subjected to popular vote in the 2025 elections.

Regarding this, calculations have advanced that the choice of judges, magistrates and ministers during the following year, will have a cost which amounts to almost half of that of the federal elections of this 2024.

In this regard, the INE Budget Commission indicated that the process for the election of judges, magistrates and ministers through the popular voteit would cost around 4 billion pesos.

That is to say that in total, for the 2025 elections in which the positions of judges will be put to a vote for the first time, resources of nearly 13 billion pesos will have to be allocated.

The above because for the elections of last June 2 in which 629 positions were elected, the National Electoral Institute (INE) allocated an amount of 8,802 million pesos.

In that sense, if we continue with the same prices for materials, hiring of personnel and training process, the amount of the 2025 elections would be 12 thousand 839 million 563 thousand pesos.

How much will it cost to elect judges, magistrates and ministers by popular vote after reforming the Judiciary?

INE (Especial)

INE foresees multimillion-dollar budget proposal for elections of judges, magistrates and ministers

By outlining that the elections 2025 will be the most expensive in history because it will be subject to popular vote the charges of judges, magistrates and ministersthe INE foresees a multimillion-dollar budget proposal.

Regarding this, the INE Budget Commission announced that to comply with the following year’s elections, will approve a budget proposal which amounts to 27 thousand 270 million 913 thousand pesos.

Regarding the amount of resources that will be requested, the commission highlighted that it contemplates ordinary expensesa possible popular consultation and the games for all political parties.

In justifying the increase, he highlighted that be an unprecedented process for the election of judges, magistrates and ministers, he explained that more resources are needed for the following elements:

  • Documentation expenses
  • Resources for electoral material and equipment
  • Money for hiring temporary employees
  • Rent of more offices

Going into details, the Budget Committee highlighted that while Before there were only 3 ballots, now there must be 6 for the inclusion of the positions of ministers, magistrates and district judges.

Citizens participated in the 2021 Popular Consultation

Elections (Mireya Novo / Mireya Novo)

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