How to make the Pallof press

by time news

2024-10-11 16:00:00

This is one of the best exercises to strengthen your obliques and core in general. Learn the correct technique for this movement suitable for beginners and to do at home.

Last update: October 11, 2024

It trains the central sector of the body, known as nucleus or core, it is important for improving stability, posture and strength. This involves performing traditional sit-ups, but also other types of exercises aimed at activating the area as a whole. One of them is the press Pallof, which works the core in general, and the obliques in particular, based on constant tension in the torso.

It consists of taking, with both hands, an elastic band tied to a wall and carrying it forward with outstretched arms.. It sounds simple (and it is), but requires precision in several technical details. It is also possible to combine it with other variations to complete the complete work on the central area.

What is the press Pallof?

It is an exercise created by the American physiotherapist John Pallof, based on an anti-rotation and lumbar anti-extension movement. This means this The key to the work is to avoid hip rotation movement.

Faced with the stresses of the pulley or the elastic band, located at our side, we tense the muscles of nucleus to prevent movement. This promotes the stabilization and strengthening of the core area as a whole.

Him press The conventional Pallof is performed while standing and holding a resisting object. It can be done on a cable machine or by tying the tire to a solid structure, such as a door, bar or ladder.

Step by step to do it

  • Place the pulley or tie the band at mid-torso height, between the chest and abdomen.
  • Grab the other end of the object and take a step or two away from it sideways. It is important to generate tension in the core.
  • Hold the cable in both hands with a neutral grip, that is, with your palms facing each other. It should be positioned at chest height.
  • Stand so that the resistance band is coming from one side of your body. Do not give in to the pressure of the object and try to remain in an upright position.
  • Spread your feet shoulder-width apart, move your hips back slightly, and bend your knees slightly to return to the starting position. Keep your pelvis straight throughout the execution.
  • Begin the concentric phase by bringing the pulley forward, always straight and until your arms are tense. During the movement, contract your abdominals and exhale.
  • Try to stay in that position for two or three seconds and begin the return.
  • Inhale air on the return and hold the position for another three seconds with the band across your chest until you perform another repetition.
  • Repeat 8 to 12 times and then switch sides. This is because the side closest to the structure works harder, as it bears greater tension. Therefore, you need to rotate 180 degrees and perform the same repetitions again.
  • Perform two to three sets, depending on your experience level, and include the exercise into an abdominal routine about three times a week.

Tips for improving your technique

Him press Pallof is an isometric exercise, which means it does not change the length of the muscles worked during the movement. For this reason its execution is simple, although it requires precision to generate the effort in the correct sector. The following recommendations can be supplemented by the step-by-step guide.

  • Check that your shoulders always remain at the same height.
  • Try not to arch your back too much. To help your posture, remember to contract your abdomen and activate your glutes.
  • When you stretch your arms, always do so straight, with slow, controlled movements. It is normal for the limbs to try to deviate towards the side where the pulley comes from.
  • If this is too easy for you or you notice little tension in your core muscles, move away a little further so that the band or pulley is more stretched. When placed in the starting position, the nucleus You should already feel some resistance.
  • Avoid moving your pelvis. The key to the exercise is to keep your hips still. The band or pulley, whether positioned at a low, medium or high height, exerts tension in this area, so the abdominal muscles have to work hard to prevent rotation.
  • Once you have mastered the basic technique, keep your arms in a straight position for a few more seconds. This is another way to intensify the exercise. Start for two to three seconds, then increase to five and finish for eight, as long as the correct posture is maintained.
  • Remember to check the weight if you are doing this with a pulley. If you are a beginner and notice that you can’t control the technique, opt for a lower weight or use elastic bands.

Variants of press Pallof

With slight variations in movements and posture it is possible to perform alternative exercises to intensify the work or focus on specific muscles. In principle, You can raise or lower the pulley to place the tension at different heights or move one leg back to increase the intensity..

On your knees

This alternative is useful for beginners, as the kneeling position facilitates execution and allows greater control of the movement. To do this, place the pulley or band at knee height. Then, get into that position and tighten your glutes and core, in general. Perform the same arm extension as the common movement.


In this case the initial position is similar, but the variation occurs in the extension of the arms. Instead of looking forward, they should be raised, so that the hands are above the head. Therefore, extra work is added to the shoulders and back stabilizing muscles.

Press dynamic pallor

The most common variant of the exercise consists of moving the arms horizontally, keeping them extended. That is to say that, Starting from the same initial position, it is necessary to move the pulley to the left and to the right. Always avoid moving your pelvis and, in this case, do not bend your elbows.

Half knee

Also known as half kneeling or press Pallof in the knight position involves positioning yourself in a similar manner to a lunge. You should place a support under your back knee so that it is not in direct contact with the ground and remains slightly elevated.

Then, simply perform the same action as the conventional exercise, with the pulley positioned at chest height. With this variant, the work of the hip extensor muscles is enhanced, while at the same time the load on the buttocks and legs increases.

Common mistakes

Both in the press Traditional Pallof or its variations, it is normal to make some mistakes, such as turning your hips to one side or bending your wrists. It is important to maintain hand stability when stretching your arms, as the pressure from the cable or band can twist them. Therefore, a neutral grip and a firm position of the wrists are essential for correct execution.

Another common mistake is opening your legs too much. Remember that they should be positioned shoulder-width apart, so that they are in line with your hips. It is also common to arch your back, lower your head, and raise your shoulders.. Pay attention to the technique to avoid these gestures.

Which muscles does it work?

This exercise strengthens the middle or middle muscles nucleuswhich include the lower back, spinal extensors and hip flexors. However, the main work focuses on the oblique abdominals, located on the sides of the trunk.

Training your core, in general, is important increase power, balance and stability. In this way it contributes, among other benefits, to the coordination of movements, the maintenance of a correct posture and the transmission of force to the extremities.

Him press Pallof It also works the transverse abdominis, glutes and rectus abdominis. Secondly, it activates some upper body muscles, such as the rotator cuff, pectorals and triceps.

Includes the press Pallof in your routine nucleus

As we have seen, this movement is one of the most effective for working the central area of ​​the body. It’s not just about exercising the abdomen, but also the entire muscles of the body nucleus. Therefore, it is very useful to include it in a routine combined with other types of sit-ups, planks and leg raises.

Remember to assimilate the correct technique before adding difficulty or performing variations of exercises. If you’re a beginner, start closest to the structure where the resistance band or pulley is located and move further away as you progress.

#Pallof #press

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