How To Reduce Swelling In Eyelids, Blepharitis: Disease related to eyelids can cause blurred vision, know the ways to prevent it – what is blepharitis, symptoms, causes and treatment

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Blepharitis is a common eye disease in which there is itching, burning and swelling of the eyelids. Apart from this, in blepharitis a scaly layer also forms on the eyelids. This disease does not cause any permanent damage to the eyes and is not contagious, but it can be uncomfortable. To avoid this disease, a person should pay more attention to the cleanliness of his eyelids. Usually it is not completely cured, but to reduce its symptoms, some important things should be taken special care. Blepharitis affects both eyes and can occur when a skin condition causes irritation or when an infection occurs. Apart from this, such a problem also occurs when the oil gland is clogged.
(All photos courtesy: freepik)Symptoms of Blepharitis

According to the Cleveland Clinic (Ref), there are many symptoms of blepharitis such as

  • Swelling and stickiness of eyelids
  • Itching and burning with red eyes
  • Shrinking of the eyelids and corners of the eyelids, causing the eyelashes to stick together
  • flaky eyelids
  • dry eyes or watering eyes
  • blinking frequently

Blepharitis can also cause some serious problems like loss of eyelashes, blurred vision, growth of eyelashes in the wrong direction, swelling in the cornea and other parts of the eye.

causes of blepharitis

In most cases, blepharitis is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria in the lower part of the eyelids. It is normal to have bacteria on the skin, but excess bacteria can cause many problems. You may also have this problem if the oil glands in your eyelids become blocked or there is irritation in them.

Types of blepharitis

There are two types of blepharitis. You may have either one type of blepharitis or both at the same time.

Interior Blepharitis: It affects the outer part of the eyes where your eyelids join together. Usually this is caused by bacteria on your skin or dandruff from the eyebrows. Allergies or mites also cause interior blepharitis.

Posterior Blepharitis: Posterior blepharitis affects the outer part of the inner corner of the eyelid. The part that touches the eye. This type of blepharitis occurs when the oil glands in the eyelids become clogged. Common skin conditions like rosacea and dandruff also cause posterior blepharitis.

Blepharitis treatment

In case of blepharitis, the eye doctor may give you eye drops or some medicines to fight infection after examining your eyes. This includes both ointments and pills.
Additionally, common skin conditions like rosacea and dandruff that cause blepharitis are also treated.

Ways to prevent blepharitis

These are some easy tips that you need to follow everyday

  • Keep your face, hands and scalp clean
  • In case of itching in the eyes, avoid touching them directly with hands. For this you use tissue.
  • Be sure to remove eye makeup before sleeping at night.
  • Clean water and eye drops with a tissue
  • Use glasses instead of contact lenses until your eyes heal.
  • Use antidandruff shampoo for your hair

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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