How to share a post to your story

by times news cr

Have you seen an interesting Instagram post and want to share it in your story? We’ll show you how and under what circumstances this works.

Both stories and posts are among the most popular features on Instagram. If another user has given permission, you can even share a post from their profile in your own Instagram story. You can find out exactly how this works and how you can allow other users to share your posts here.

Although it is not yet possible to share an Instagram post in your own story on a desktop PC, you can do this in five simple steps on the Android or iOS app:

Unless you explicitly tagged the post creator before sharing it in your Instagram story, they will not receive any notification of this process.

You must first allow the process in the settings of your Instagram app, otherwise it will not be possible for other users to share a post from you in their story. The prerequisite for this is that you use a public user account. If this is the case, the permission can be set as follows:

Other users who see the post shared in your story will also see who originally created the post. By tapping the post in the story, Instagram automatically redirects it to the original post.

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