Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Hold 2024 R&D Partner Tech Day

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Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Motors are further enhancing their future mobility competitiveness through ‘R&D coexistence’ with their partners.

On the 23rd, Hyundai Motor Company and Kia attended the Rolling Hills Hotel (located in Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do) at the Rolling Hills Hotel (located in Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do) with partner company officials including R&D Division President Yang Hee-won, Hyundai Motor-Kia Cooperation Chairman Moon Seong-jun, Korea Automobile Industry Cooperative Chairman Lee Taek-seong, and Automobile Parts Promotion Foundation Chairman Ahn Jung-gu. It was announced that the ‘2024 R&D Partner Tech Day’ was held.

R&D Partner Tech Day is an event where Hyundai Motor Company and Kia reward partner companies that have achieved excellent performance in terms of technology development and quality assurance and seek mutual cooperation through technological exchange in various fields.

Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Hold 2024 R&D Partner Tech Day

The event consisted of awards for six excellent partner technologies, presentations of cases of excellent new technologies, and an exhibition. By conducting both offline and online live broadcasts, more partners’ officials were able to participate in the event.

First, Hyundai Motor Company and Kia selected and rewarded companies with outstanding research and development contributions in the four categories of ▲Electronics ▲BodyChassis ▲Electrification as excellent partners, and selected the technology with the greatest contribution as the grand prize.

The grand prize winner was ‘SDV Zone Architecture Component Technology’ developed by ‘Yura Corporation’ in the electronics sector.

The SDV zone architecture component technology consists of ▲48V power central network and power supply design using power semiconductors ▲48V/12V small converter system, etc., which enables controller integration and is the foundation for stably operating the system even under the 48V power system. It’s a solution.

The Excellence Awards went to ▲PAH’s ‘Collision Prevention Short-Range Radar Sensor for Power Doors’ in the body category and ‘ARD System for Aerodynamic Improvement’ by ‘Gyeongchang Industry’ ▲’High Pressure Hydrogen Storage System Integration’ by ‘Donghee Industry’ in the chassis category. Valve’ ▲In the electrification category, ‘Battery Case Integrated Chassis Frame’ from ‘Seojin Industry’ and ‘Multifunctional Position Sensor for EV Drive Motor’ from ‘Yura Tech’ were selected, respectively.

Hyundai Motors and Kia plan to post 57 new technology videos online from this day to the 31st so that executives and employees of Hyundai Motors, Kia and its partner companies can view them. Technologies that can be disclosed to the public can be viewed by external customers.

Yang Hee-won, head of R&D at Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Motors, said, “Hyundai Motor Group’s remarkable achievement of ranking third in global sales was possible thanks to the passion and efforts of our partners.” He added, “We will continue to pursue shared growth with our partners by incorporating the values ​​of coexistence and cooperation into technology development.” “We will do our best,” he said.

Jeong Jin-su, reporter

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