‘I do not watch my movies’; Johnny Depp bursts into laughter in court

by time news

Hollywood actor Johnny Depp has opened up in court about his ordeal with his ex – wife Amber Head. The actor made the revelation during the trial in the defamation case against Head. It is reported that Johnny Depp said contradictory things in court and this led to a burst of laughter.

Depp told the court he was a victim of domestic violence. His wife Amberhead broke a bone in her arm with a discarded vodka bottle. Johnny Depp says his wife’s harassment was written on the wall with blood on her fingers. When asked by the court if you’ve ever had whiskey, Depp replied, “She’s happy.” When asked to name the movies she has acted in, the actress could not say anything other than Alice in Wonderland.

I have never seen a movie starring Jack Sparrow. But Depp also claimed that those movies did very well. Depp told the court such contradictory things. In 2018, in The Washington Post, Amberhead wrote that she was a prominent figure facing domestic violence. Depp says his film career has been ruined since then.

Story Highlights: Johnny Depp leaves attendees in splits as he fails to recall his films

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