“I go to” or “I go to”: What should you write?

by time news

2023-11-19 08:02:36

“I’m going to the hairdresser”: your hair may have often stood on end at this wording, but you can’t explain what exactly unlocks the problem in this sentence. So, rest assured: you have spotted a very real fault. As for the nature of the problem, it is childishly simple.

Tell me where you’re going, I’ll tell you what preposition to use

The rule is in two sentences:

The prepositions “à” and “au” concern inanimate places (a place, therefore). The preposition “chez” concerns one or more individuals (beings of flesh and blood, therefore).

In summary, we will au medical office, but chez doctor.

I am going to

I’m going to the town hall. I’m going to the beauty salon. I’m going to the supermarket.

These three examples concern places and not the people who work there.

I go to

I’m going to the hairdresser. I’m going to the dentist. I’m going to the mechanic.

These three examples concern the professionals you are going to see.

To no longer make mistakes

It wouldn’t occur to you to say “I’m going to my neighbor” or “I’m going to my mother.” Apply the same rule to professionals as to your loved ones, and that’s it.


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