“I will close the cinemas with my tears”, the emotional love letter to the theaters by Kleber Mendonça Filho

by time news

2023-11-02 22:50:16

Urbanism, like everything, is political. The decision of where each neighborhood is located, what type of construction it houses, and its planning on the map of each city, is not innocent and responds to economic and ideological reasons. For years, for example, urban planning with a gender perspective has been claimed, because the cities of the global north, like everything else, have been built with men (and especially whites) in mind.

Through a building you can x-ray the history of a neighborhood, a city and even a country. That is what Brazilian director Kleber Mendonça Filho has achieved, spearhead of current cinema in his country and one of the regular authors at the Cannes festival thanks to films such as Mrs. Clara y Bacurau. In fact, in Mrs. Clara He was already talking about urban speculation in his city, Recife, through the story of a woman who refuses to sell her apartment to a developer who has bought all the buildings in the area.

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