Directed by Vishal Bharadwaj, the movie ‘Sat Khoon Maaf’ was released in 2011. Priyanka Chopra played the role of Susana Anna-Maria Jonas in it. Actor Annu Kapoor portrays the character of Inspector Kimat Lal i.e. Priyanka’s fifth husband.
During the shooting of this movie, there were reports that Priyanka Chopra refused to kiss Annu Kapoor. But Annu Kapoor was not seen to talk about it. 13 years after the release of the movie, Annu Kapoor opened up about it.
Annu Kapoor gave an interview to Indian news agency ANI. In this conversation, he said, “In the movie ‘Sat Khun Maaf’, Inspector Kimat Lal (Annu Kapoor) had a close-up scene. Vishal Bharadwaj said, ‘She (Priyanka Chopra) is very shy.’ Then I said, ‘Drop the scene.’
Explaining the incident, Annu Kapoor said, “I told Vishal, ‘If she (Priyanka Chopra) feels uncomfortable, drop the scene.’ In response Vishal Bharadwaj said, ‘How to bring out the scene? The scene must be done.’ It was a shot at the joint and it did. Apart from that there was also a single shot. Believe it or not, I even got compliments for that.”
An outspoken Annu Kapoor said, “However, after the news spread, Priyanka Chopra refused to kiss Annu Kapoor. I don’t know what she (Priyanka) said. It is a very common thing. If I were the hero, then Priyanka would have no problem doing this scene. Priyanka has no problem kissing the hero. I don’t have a face, I don’t have a personality, that’s the problem.”
Originally, Priyanka-Annu Kapoor acted together for the first time in the movie ‘Etraj’ in 2004. Their co-star was Akshay Kumar. After seven years, Priyanka-Annu Kapoor shared the screen for the second time in the movie ‘Saat Khun Maaf’.
Annu Kapoor has acted in popular movies in his acting career. He also won the Indian National Film Award for the movie ‘Vicky Donor’. His notable films are ‘Hum’, ‘Ram Laxman’, ‘Dream Girl’, ‘Jolly LLB 2’ etc.
Source: The Free Press Journal
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