Imelda Tuñón is accused of having a relationship with the friend of her deceased partner

by time news

2023-10-27 20:29:05

go through one couple separation It is one of the most difficult situations, especially when it was not due to your own decision, but rather due to a move of fate that claims the life of your partner. Although he grieving process It is different for each person and it is valid to rebuild your love life, but Can you feel attracted to the friend of your deceased partner?

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Feeling physically or emotionally attracted to him friend of a couple who has died It is more common than you think, but at the same time it is one of the most complex topics about grief because some people could consider it as a betrayal. However, only the person who has lost a loved one knows how to cope with the pain to move forward.

Why do you feel attracted to the friend of a deceased partner?

A person who lives mourning your deceased partner You could find emotional support with others who share the same experience. According to a article published by The Globe and Mail, the friend of the deceased partner can represent a close emotional bond and a source of comfort, as both have shared the sadness and pain of the same loss.

On the other hand, there may be a tendency to idealize the deceased partner, especially if the relationship was very loving. When seeking a connection with the friend of the deceased couple, In some ways, you may feel like you are keeping your loved one’s memory alive, preserving a part of the previous relationship.

Photo: iStock

Does Imelda Tuñón have a new partner?

As in the case of Imelda Tuñón, widow of Julián Figueroa, who was recently linked to a supposed new romance, after she uploaded a photograph to her Instagram account where she is seen accompanied by a handsome gentleman. However, the comments were immediate from her followers.

“She has every right to rebuild her life if she wants, she is a widow, but I do believe that he is her friend.” Another follower commented: “They look gorgeous together. God is going to put a good man in your path again. Life goes on.”

“Mourning is carried inside and memories are carried in the mind and everything they experienced together will be seen in their son,” added a user.

Photo: Instagram @imetunon

He singer Julián Figueroa, son of Maribel Guardia and Joan Sebastian, died unexpectedly on April 9, 2023, at the age of 27, of a heart attack at his mother’s house, leaving his loved ones devastated.

Given the wave of rumors, the Julian’s widowwho is the mother of her son José Julián, did not remain silent and clarified that he is just a friend, in fact, she mentioned that he was also a friend of her husband: “He was also a very good friend of Julián,” Imelda commented on Instagram .

How healthy is it to have a relationship with the friend of a deceased partner?

Each duel is experienced differently, but having a relationship with the friend of a deceased partner It is not recommended because it can interfere with the grieving process.

After the loss of a partnerit is important to take time to assimilate the grieving and emotional healing process. When starting a new romantic relationship with ethe friend of the deceased couple It can be a way of avoiding and not adequately processing the pain and sadness related to the loss.

On the other hand, starting a relationship with the friend of the deceased partner can be emotionally confusing for both the grieving person and the friend, as it is difficult to distinguish between feelings of love and those of grief, the need for support or the idealization of the deceased partner. This results in a relationship based on confusing and unhealthy emotions.

So far, Imelda has made it clear that she is still single and is trying to heal her heart.

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