In a tiny bikini: the 74-year-old revealed her secret weapon to an enviable look

by time news

A woman in her eighth decade claimed to have more energy and joy in life than she did in her 20s – even though her daily menu does not include particularly healthy ingredients.

Norma Williams, born in Liverpool and living in Italy, revealed that she maintains a very active lifestyle and a fairly simple diet. She managed to amaze her followers on social networks, with whom she shares her youthful lifestyle despite her “older” age. According to her, old age is merely a “mindset” and she refuses to believe that she will ever grow old.

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“As we get older, it’s very important that we stay relevant to ourselves. If you retire and do nothing with your life – it’s just like putting one foot in the grave,” Williams told Jam Press. She said that she always dreamed of being a model, but during her life she was overweight as a result of eating disorders. “I would go to bed with several packages of marshmallows and chocolate, huge bags of Cheetos and a loaf of bread next to me,” she recalled. “I felt bad about myself regularly.”

She continued: “The big difference between me in my 20s and me in my 70s is simply energy. My energy levels have increased significantly over the past 50 years, and that’s what motivates me to live the way I do today.” In addition, the 74-year-old claimed that her daily routine consists of walking 5.5 kilometers a day, and weight training of eight kilograms while she boils water for tea.

“My diet is not as boring as you thought,” explained Williams. “For my breakfast I eat a wholemeal croissant filled with honey, with a milky cappuccino on the side – sometimes two or three cups of cappuccino a day. Six cups of tea a day with two teaspoons of sugar in each, salty crackers and more.” She added: “For dinner I eat several types of nuts, a selection of meats and cheeses, wholemeal bread, grilled salmon, potatoes and vegetables. And in addition to all this, I also drink a bottle of wine almost every evening.”

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With all these luxuries on the daily menu, the 74-year-old confirmed that she adheres to two “golden rules”: “Eat only after training and do not snack between meals.” She revealed that people stop her on the street and politely ask her age. Her youthful appearance and endless energy make her believe that one day she will be able to fulfill her dream and walk the runway at Milan Fashion Week.

“I want to show the world that I will no longer be a stereotypical old woman. I am not ready to accept the fact that the world belongs only to young people as we are expected to believe. Everything depends on us at the end of the day,” concluded Williams.

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