“In the election, the nulls and whites will be a record”

by time news

He academic at the UC School of Government, Roberto Méndez, On this day he referred to the Monsalve case and the way in which it could affect the Government in the municipal elections this weekend.

In dialogue with Radio AgendaMéndez stated that The seriousness of the aforementioned case lies in the nature of the crime and not so much in the Government’s management.

“It is becoming an earthquake, a tsunami. But there is also a human tragedy here
because this woman who claims to be a victim, the courts are going to say, but if she has been a victim of rape, that person’s life is probably being affected in a very dramatic way and perhaps forever,” Méndez explained.

Asked about the perception and trust of citizens, the academic indicated that “People are afraid precisely when they see this State and these institutions that are weakening, collapsing, falling one by one, and they feel helpless, and this distancing from politics is accentuated.”

“If I could make any prediction about what is going to happen in the election this coming weekend, it is that the nulls and whites are going to be a record. “If it were a voluntary vote we would probably have a huge abstention,” he added.

“It is a tragedy that is felt by the citizens, the safety of the people and above all the trust in the institutions that was already very damaged.. One week a part of the Supreme Court falls and the following week the undersecretary in charge of public security falls and the President and a large part of his cabinet enter into a series of contradictions in which complete credibility is also weakened,” he added.

Regarding the President’s extensive press conference in the middle of an activity, the academic believes that it was a completely self-destructive situation. “I believe that he entered a state in which he exceeded his self-confidence, in this communication capacity that he has. I think he became self-confident and entered a state that was unstoppable. Everyone around him was trying to stop him and he was in a state of self-destruction.

Asked about the role in the case of Minister Tohá, Méndez pointed out that “She, Minister Orellana and Minister Vallejo were all left in a very uncomfortable position. I heard yesterday that Tohá said that she was angry with herself, with how this had been handled. I believe that they have also been victims, not the main victims, but I believe that Minister Tohá is evidently being affected and I imagine that it is going to be very difficult.”

Likewise, the academic commented to Radio Pauta that it would be strongly inadvisable to make a cabinet change right now. “If there is a change of cabinet, I think it would be better to postpone it a little, I think the first task here is to lower this intensity a little.”

2024-10-22 18:28:00

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