INE will have a budget adjustment and should not affect the Reform of the Judicial Branch

by times news cr

Ricardo Monrealpresident of⁣ the Political Coordination Board (Jucopo) in the Chamber of Deputies,⁣ assured that the National⁣ electoral Institute (INE) you will have an adjustment in your ​budget what should not⁢ affect the actions Reform of the ‌Judiciary.

According to⁤ the coordinator of Morena deputies, the budget will be allocated for other priorities as are public universities.

Ricardo ⁣Monreal assured that the planned adjustment will be made​ to the INE should not ⁣put the risk the elections ⁤of judges, magistrates ⁢and ministers in 2025.

Ricardo Monreal confirmed adjustment in ⁤the INE​ budget for 2025; will not affect the elections to the Judiciary

In an appearance before the media,Ricardo Monreal confirmed that the ⁤INE will have ⁢a ⁤downward adjustment in its budget for 2025.

According to the president of⁣ Jucopo, this decision by no ⁤means will have a negative‌ impact on the elections of the Judiciary.

for this⁣ reason, Ricardo Monreal reiterated that the quality of the process to ⁣define judges, magistrates and ministers It will​ not be diminished ‌either..

After confirming this situation, ‌the coordinator of Morena deputies⁤ was ‌questioned regarding the final amount that the electoral‌ body will ‌receive.

In⁢ this regard,Monreal‌ still assured cannot be known the final figure,because with the cut the areas in charge are carrying out technical analyzes to define‍ how the expense will be within the budget reorganization.

He specifically mentioned the planned expenses, such as:

  • stationery
  • training
  • personal
  • diffusion

This taking into ‌account the spending ahead of the‍ 2025 Judicial Branch elections, which said should not be older to the presidential elections of this 2024.

With the decision to reduce the INE⁢ budget, Ricardo Monreal indicated that he remains in contact with the president advisor of the INE,‌ Guadalupe ​Taddeiwhom he described as “a reasonable woman.”

It is worth remembering that the General Council of ⁢the INE initially estimated a ‍budget of 13 thousand 205 million pesos for the elections of the Judicial Branch, a figure that could be reduced to less than 10 billion.

“In the case of the INE, I want to tell you that, technically, there will be a downward adjustment, but the downward adjustment does not imply‌ putting the election or the quality of the⁣ election at risk… I have spoken‍ with the president of ‍the INE (Guadalupe Taddei) who seems to me to be a reasonable and technically very sustainable woman.⁣ “We are going to agree, we are going to reduce an amount from the budget project, but ‍it will never⁢ put the election or the quality of the election at risk.”

ricardo Monreal

reduction of the INE budget will be allocated to public universities

After confirming the reduction to the ​INE budget for 2025, Ricardo Monreal pointed out ‍the ⁣possibility that this sea ​​intended for public universities.

Specifically, the ⁤president ⁣of Jucupo mentioned the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), to⁣ which wrongly He had been given a reduction for the next school year.

This after the UNAM rector himself, Leonardo Lomeliheld a private meeting with deputy Ricardo Monreal to express that 5 billion pesos that the Treasury cut should be returned to the budget.

Budget 2025 ⁣will receive major surgery: Ricardo Monreal (Chamber of Deputies)

How will the government ensure transparency in the budgeting process for the ‍National Electoral Institute (INE) and its effect on upcoming elections?

Interview Title: Budget Decisions and ​the Future of the Judiciary Elections

Setting: A sleek office space at headquarters,⁢ where the editor sits across from ‍Ricardo‌ Monreal, the president of the ⁤Political Coordination Board ⁤in the Chamber of Deputies.

Editor: Good afternoon, Mr.Monreal. Thank you for joining us today. There’s been a lot of discussion about the recent adjustments to the budget of the national Electoral institute⁣ (INE) for 2025. Can you clarify what prompted this decision?

Ricardo Monreal: Good afternoon, and thank you for having me. The decision to adjust the INE budget was essential to reallocate resources to more pressing priorities, such as supporting public universities. As lawmakers, ​we must ensure that our resources address the immediate needs of our ​citizens.

Editor: that’s an ⁢admirable priority. Tho, many are concerned about how‌ this budget cut might impact the upcoming elections​ for judges, magistrates, and ⁢ministers in 2025. Can you assure the public that these elections will not be compromised?

Ricardo Monreal: Absolutely. I want to be clear that this adjustment will not jeopardize the elections for the Judiciary. The integrity of the selection process for judges,‌ magistrates, and ministers remains paramount, and we are committed to maintaining the ⁤quality of this process despite the budgetary changes.

Editor: ​You mentioned that the final amount for the INE’s new budget ⁢is⁤ still under review. Can you give us an idea⁣ of what kind of expenses will be prioritized under this⁣ new budget plan?

Ricardo Monreal: ‌certainly. ⁤While I don’t have the final figure yet sence technical analyses are ongoing,I can outline some ‌planned expenditures. ⁤Key areas include essential items such as stationery, training for personnel, and dissemination of details. We are ‌committed to ensuring that all necessary functions of the INE remain supported.

Editor: Given the proximity of the presidential ⁢elections in 2024 and ‌the Judicial Branch elections in 2025, how do you view the timing of these ⁣budget adjustments? Do you​ expect​ any challenges in coordinating these critical elections?

Ricardo Monreal: The ​timing​ requires⁣ a careful approach, but I am ‌confident we can manage it effectively. The INE has a proven⁢ track record‌ of organizing elections, and we are working closely with them to ‍ensure that they are adequately⁤ prepared for both the presidential elections next year and the Judiciary elections thereafter.

Editor: As you mentioned, public universities are a ​priority in ⁤this budget reallocation. Could you elaborate on how funding to these institutions ⁢might be affected or affected by this adjustment?

Ricardo Monreal: Public education is vital for our country’s ⁢future. We aim to preserve funding for universities while making adjustments ⁢elsewhere. Our focus is on a balanced approach‍ that supports both democratic processes⁣ and educational needs without compromise.

Editor: Thank you for that ‍insight, Mr. Monreal. As this situation develops, what steps ⁣will your office take to ensure transparency ⁣in how this budget⁣ adjustment unfolds and its implications for⁣ the elections?

Ricardo Monreal: Transparency is crucial.We will work to keep the‌ public informed about the budgetary decisions and their rationale. This includes regular updates on how funds are allocated and ensuring that all stakeholders are aware of any developments that may⁤ affect the elections.

Editor: That​ sounds reassuring. is there any message you would ⁢like to send to the citizens⁤ regarding the future​ of the electoral process‍ in light of​ these changes?

Ricardo Monreal: I want to reassure citizens that our commitment to a fair and ⁤obvious electoral process is unwavering. We recognize the‍ importance of these‍ upcoming elections and ⁢are taking every ‌step necessary ⁢to ensure that they are conducted efficiently and with integrity.

Editor: Thank you, Mr. Monreal, for your time and for shedding light on these‌ vital⁤ issues. We look forward to seeing how these developments unfold.

Ricardo Monreal: Thank you for having me. It’s always a pleasure to engage in ​dialog about our democratic processes.

The camera fades‌ out as the⁤ conversation ‍wraps up,leaving‍ viewers with thoughtful insights on the complex balance between budgetary constraints and democratic integrity.

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