Interests First: Is there an American desire for the war in Ukraine to continue?

by time news

The Western world and its leaders are shocked by the war in Ukraine. They call back and call for an end to the war. They claim that the Russians are killing Ukrainians indiscriminately between fighters and civilians. Everyone claims that the war is a disaster. And I ask: Do they really want the end of the war?

US President Joe Biden’s strategy is to impose sanctions on Russia in order to end the war and withdraw from the attempted takeover of Ukraine, with a shameful surrender that will deter China from similar takeover attempts in Taiwan. But every child knows that financial sanctions start to be effective only after about six months or more, and sometimes after a year. Western sanctions against Iran are still ineffective even after many years.

This means that from an American point of view, it seems better for the war to continue as long as possible until the effectiveness of the sanctions is reached. America probably prefers this over reaching a compromise today that will allow the Russians to descend from the tree with dignity. She certainly fears that in the eyes of the Chinese such a compromise would be considered an American weakness.

It seems that the President of Ukraine and Ludimir Zalansky are also benefiting from the war; The whole world kneels before him, he makes history in terms of the War of David in Goliath. Zlansky, who is basically an actor, an entertainer, devoid of leadership experience, certainly did not expect to reach this status of a global figure. He is at his peak now and could fall into a bottom pit in no time when he stops fighting the Russians.

I guess the Ukrainians themselves will start to see things differently after the end of the war. They will ask themselves: What have we gained and what have we lost in this war? I believe the balance will be bad anyway, and Zalansky may be charged with causing manslaughter in vain. Knowing this, he currently prefers that his war and personal political refinement continue. Hence there is now an identity of interests between the liberal United States and Zalanski.

Three other actors in the plot are Putin, Europe and the Ukrainian people. Europe is paying a heavy economic price. Preventing the purchase of energy from Russia is painful for Europeans, and the European economy is also hurt by the weakening of the Russian economy, which is an economic ally with significant European powers.

Europe wants the war to end quickly in order to recover its economy. Putin also wants very much to win and end the war. The economic sanctions and the lack of a decision in the war are causing Russia significant damage. Russia also understands that it would be better for the war to end without much killing among the Ukrainians, otherwise it will be difficult for it to conduct itself in front of the Ukrainian population if and after they complete their takeover.

The Ukrainian people are at the heart of the tragedy of this story. Ukrainians want to return home. The paradox in the matter: the Americans and Zlansky see the Ukrainian swamp as an arena that serves their interests elsewhere: the Chinese arena in the American context and the personal arena in Zalansky’s case. This seems to be the hypocrisy of the United States and Zelsky.

The author is a member of the “Mivtachi” association – National Commanders’ Forum, and the author of the book “Ship of Trouble”

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