International Day of Persons with Disabilities: strengthening their leadership for a better future – AGP

by time news

LIBREVILLE,⁤ December ⁣4, 2024 (AGP) – The Secretary general of ⁣the​ Institution ⁤of Islamic Cooperation, Hussein ibrahim Taha, in his speech, noted the importance⁤ of reviving the‍ leadership of people with disabilities for‍ a better and lasting future, we learned⁢ from the UNA.

On the occasion of this⁤ day celebrated every‍ december 3‍ by the international community, by‌ decision of the United Nations General Assembly in 1992, Hussein Ibrahim Taha, reiterated the need to integrate disabled ‍people into all areas of‍ social life., ⁢cultural and ⁤economic and to strengthen their leadership for​ a better and sustainable ‌future and ensure the well-being of societies.

The‌ theme chosen ⁤for the ‌2024 edition: “Strengthening the leadership of ⁤people with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future”.

To this end, the ‍Secretary General of the OIC called on ⁢Member States,‍ and also the international community to join forces for the integration and involvement of‍ disabled people in social life to ‌increase their capacities⁢ to face the challenges and⁣ with ‍the aim of building societies⁣ in which equality and opportunity are essential for all generations.Also urging relevant agencies and partner institutions to ‌work to support the efforts of Member States‍ in this area.

Noting the‌ decisions made during the fifteenth Islamic Summit,‌ held in ⁤May 2024 in Banjul, and the sessions⁢ of the ministerial conferences, Hussein Ibrahim Taha recalled ​that one‌ of his most ‍vital objectives⁢ was to improve the quality of ⁣services and activities provided ⁤to people with disabilities ‌and to invite Member States to exchange experiences and good practices in the field of integration and ​rehabilitation of​ people with disabilities.


How can⁤ individuals and organizations effectively advocate for the inclusion of people with disabilities in leadership roles?

Interview ‍with ⁣Hussein ⁢Ibrahim Taha: Reviving Leadership of People with⁤ Disabilities⁢ for a Enduring Future

Editor ( Thank you for joining us today, Mr. Taha. As the Secretary⁢ General of the Association of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), you recently emphasized the meaning of empowering individuals with disabilities. Can⁢ you elaborate on the theme⁣ of this year’s International Day of Persons with Disabilities?

Hussein Ibrahim Taha: ‍ Thank you for having me. The theme for 2024 is “Strengthening the leadership of people with ‍disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future.” we aim to highlight‌ the essential role individuals with disabilities play in society and the need to integrate them into all aspects of social, cultural, and economic life. Leadership among these individuals must be nurtured to promote sustainability and opportunities for‍ everyone.

Editor: In your speech, you stressed the⁢ integration of disabled⁣ persons into various sectors of life. What are some ⁤key strategies that you believe can foster this integration?

Hussein Ibrahim Taha: One of the⁣ primary strategies is collaboration among Member States and international communities. By working‌ together, we can share best ⁢practices and experiences in the areas of integration⁣ and rehabilitation.Additionally, we need to strengthen policies that enhance accessibility in workplaces and educational institutions,‍ ensuring equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their‍ disabilities.

Editor: That’s insightful. ⁢you mentioned ⁤the decisions made during the fifteenth Islamic Summit held earlier this year. Can you share how those decisions will impact the quality of services for individuals with disabilities?

Hussein Ibrahim‍ Taha: Certainly. The summit emphasized the importance of improving services and ‍activities for people​ with disabilities. We are‍ urging Member States to not only enhance ‌these services but to exchange effective strategies and accomplished case studies.‍ This collaborative effort is ​crucial ⁢for developing robust frameworks that genuinely support⁢ individuals with disabilities, fostering their independence and participation⁣ in society.

Editor: What role do you see for ⁢non-governmental ⁤organizations and partner institutions in this⁤ movement toward inclusivity?

Hussein Ibrahim Taha: Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and partner institutions play an invaluable role in advocating for individuals with disabilities. Their insights⁣ and grassroots-level experiences can substantially influence policy changes and community programs. I urge these entities to collaborate with government bodies to ensure their ‍voices are heard and that comprehensive support systems are put in⁢ place.

editor: From an international outlook, what challenges do you foresee in strengthening the leadership of people with ⁤disabilities?

Hussein Ibrahim Taha: One major challenge is the stigma that still exists around disabilities in many societies. Changing perceptions takes time and concerted effort. Additionally, logistical ⁢barriers, such as inadequate infrastructure and lack of access⁣ to ⁣education or employment, must be addressed. However, ‌with our ongoing commitment and collaboration, I ‌genuinely believe that we can overcome these challenges.

Editor: In closing, what practical advice would you offer to individuals, particularly those who may be part of or work with the disabled community?

Hussein⁣ Ibrahim Taha: ⁤I would encourage both individuals and organizations to actively seek knowledge and empowerment. It’s important⁤ to understand the⁤ capabilities and potential of people with disabilities rather than viewing ‌them solely through the lens of their disabilities. Advocate ⁣for inclusivity, be prepared ⁣to adjust frameworks, and⁣ most importantly, listen‌ to the voices of those you aim to support. Together, we ⁣can build a more equitable society for future generations.

Editor: Thank you, Mr.Taha, for sharing your insights. Your commitment to integrating individuals with disabilities into all facets of society is both inspiring and necessary for a sustainable future.

Hussein Ibrahim Taha: Thank ⁣you ‍for the possibility ‌to discuss this critical​ issue. Let us continue ⁤the dialog and work towards ⁤a brighter, more inclusive ‌future for everyone.

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