Iran bets on public executions to silence protests

by time news

The body of Majid Reza Rahnavard hangs from a crane after his execution in the Iranian city of Mashad. afp

The Islamic regime hangs the second young man arrested in the demonstrations by Mahsa Amini

Iran is betting on the death penalty as a way to try to end the protests. For the second time in less than a week, he hanged a young man arrested in the demonstrations by Mahsa Amini and this time it was a public execution carried out in Mashad, in the east of the country. The news agency linked to the Ministry of Justice, Mizan, released images of the body of Majid Reza Rahnavard, 23, hanging from the top of a crane at dawn. There are already two executed, but the black list will soon grow because there are at least another twelve detainees on death row.

Majid was 23 years old and practiced wrestling, as can be seen in the profiles posted on social networks. Security forces arrested him on 17 November in Mashad and the judge found him guilty of stabbing two security officers to death. Just 23 days passed between his capture and the application of the death penalty, an express process by the Justice that human rights organizations consider devoid of guarantees. The opposition channel 1500tasvi was one of the first to report the hanging and assured that it was carried out without prior notice to the family, who were only told the place where the body had been buried.

The protests after the death of Amini at the hands of the Morale Police have been thirteen weeks old and the human rights organization HRANA puts 485 dead protesters, 68 of them minors, and more than 18,000 those detained by the security forces. On the part of the regime, the official death toll is 200, including security agents, and there are no data on arrests.

Majid is following the same path as 23-year-old Mohsen Shekari, who was hanged on Thursday and became the first detainee to be sentenced to death. Mohsen was accused of being a “rioter” who blocked a main road in Tehran on September 25 and wounded a member of a paramilitary force with a machete.

Sanctions on the Revolutionary Guard

From the European Union (EU) they responded to this second capital sentence for a detainee in the protests with the tightening of sanctions against the regime. “With this package of sanctions we target those responsible for executions and violence against innocent people,” announced German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock upon arrival for a meeting with her EU counterparts in Brussels. The objective is now the members of the Revolutionary Guard, the all-powerful paramilitary body that is in charge of ensuring the security of the regime.

Images released by the Iranian agency Mizan News about the execution /


From Iran they responded by applying reciprocity and the Foreign Ministry announced punishments against ten people and five European entities, in addition to individuals and companies from the United Kingdom. Those sanctioned “have deliberately supported terrorism and terrorist groups, promoted and incited violence, fomented hatred to provoke riots, violence and terrorist acts” and for “violations of the human rights of the Iranian people,” the statement reads. of Foreign.

The regime’s leadership blames enemies abroad, mainly the United States and Israel, for encouraging the riots to destabilize the system.

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