Iran Eliminates “Moral Police” After Protests Over Masha Amini’s Death | A gesture to calm discontent

by time news

Iran abolished this Saturday the Morale Policeafter more than two months of protests throughout the country over the death of the young Masha Believewho had been detained by that force on charges of violating the Islamic dress code.

“The Moral Police has nothing to do with the Judiciary” and was suppressedIran’s Attorney General Mohammad Jafar Montazeri said on Saturday, the Iranian news agency ISNA reported.

The abolition of the Moral Police, considered as a gesture towards the protesters who took to the streets of different cities of the country after the death of Amini, comes a day after the authorities announced that they are examining whether the 1983 law on the mandatory veil needs to be changed.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi declared on Saturday that Iran’s republican and Islamic foundations were constitutionally entrenched, but that there were “methods of applying the Constitution” that could be “flexible.”

Morale Police

The Morale Policeknown as Orientation Patrols, was created under the mandate of the ultra-conservative President Mahmud Ahmadinejad (2005 to 2013) to “spread the culture of decency and hijab”the female veil.

The patrols, which are made up of men in green suits and women who wear a black chador, a garment that covers the entire body except the face, began operating in 2006.

Masha Believe

On September 13, one of those patrols arrested the young Masha Amini in Tehranof Kurdish ethnicity and 22 years old, for allegedly wearing the veil poorly Islamic law that women must cover their heads and chests in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

After the arrest, the young woman collapsed at the police station and died in a hospital three days later.

Authorities said he died of natural causes, but suspicions that she may have been beaten by officers sparked strong protests that left more than 300 people dead, according to official figures. The count of various NGOs, on the other hand, places the number of deaths from the repression at 400.

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