Iranian Branch in Yemen Threatens Saudi Arabia and UAE, Tourists Visit Seized Ship

by time news

2023-12-07 19:02:41
Yemeni Official Threatens to Target Oil and Gas Fields of Saudi Arabia and UAE

Mohammad Al-Bukhaiti, a senior official in the Iranian branch in Yemen, issued a direct threat to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates today, warning that they would target their oil and gas fields if they joined the coalition against Yemen. “Winter is coming in Europe and the United States,” he added, referring to the increased need for oil during the cold period for heating.

The threat comes as tensions continue to escalate in the region, with Al-Bukhaiti’s warning raising concerns about the potential impact on the global oil supply.

In another development, the Houthi rebels in Yemen have turned the Japanese ship “GALAXY LEADER”, which they seized last month, into an attraction for tourists. The Reuters news agency recorded people touring the ship and stepping on the flags of Israel and the United States spread out in the center of the ship.

The ship, with 22 crew members on board, was hijacked by the Houthis on November 20. It was carrying vehicles and was making its way from a port in southern Turkey to a port in western India when the rebels took it over. Now, the ship has been transformed into a visitor center by the rebels.

The threatening statements and actions by the Houthi rebels demonstrate the ongoing volatility in the region and the potential for wider implications on global trade and security. The international community continues to monitor the situation closely amid concerns about the potential consequences of these developments.
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