Is ‘I’m Solo’ producer Nam Gyu-hong absent from the National Assembly inspection? Lost contact and disappeared

by times news cr
Producer Nam Gyu-hong is posing at the 2024 First Brand Awards ceremony held at the Shilla Hotel in Jung-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 9th. 2024.01.09. [서울=뉴시스]

After Nam Gyu-hong, producer of ‘I Am Solo‘, was selected as a witness for the National Assembly audit, contact was lost.

At the National Assembly audit of the Culture, Sports and Tourism Committee on the 18th, Rep. Kang Yoo-jeong of the Democratic Party of Korea said, “The National Assembly administrative office tried to visit PD Nam and deliver a witness attendance request, but he has not received any communication. We went to the address with the cooperation of the news agency, but PD Nam It wasn’t the address. “If he does not appear at the National Assembly inspection meeting on the 24th, please place the complaint against PD Nam on the agenda,” he requested. Jeon Jae-soo, chairman of the Culture and Culture Committee, said, “We will respond sternly at the committee level.”

PD Nam is the director of ENA‘s I’m Solo and the CEO of the production company Chonjang Entertainment. On the 24th, he was selected as a witness regarding copyright infringement by a broadcast writer at the National Assembly’s inspection of government affairs and the comprehensive inspection of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Representative Kang, a proportional representative of culture and arts, made the request, and it was carried out without disagreement between the ruling and opposition parties. Producer Nam responded to an official at the Culture and Sports Committee’s administrative office, saying, “We are filming in Jinan, Jeollabuk-do.” When I said, “I will go to Jinan in person,” he did not respond to calls or texts and all contact was cut off. In the end, a request for witness appearance was publicly served on the Internet.

ENA said it was “confirming” the suspicions about PD Nam’s disappearance. If a person selected as a witness for a government audit intentionally avoids receiving an attendance request or fails to appear without justifiable reasons, he or she may be sued in accordance with Articles 12 and 15 of the Act on Testimony, Appraisal, etc. in the National Assembly. Punishable by imprisonment for up to 5 years or by a fine of not less than 10 million won but not more than 50 million won.

In April, PD Nam was embroiled in a controversy over his abuse of power, abusive language, and disparagement of a broadcast writer. Village Chief Entertainment was reported to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism for violation of written contract and infringement of rights. The Broadcast Writers Union did not sign written contracts with solo writers with male PDs. When asked to write a contract, they pointed out that “they violated the Artists’ Rights Guarantee Act by proposing a contract that deleted the copyright guarantee part.”


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