Is it true that January is he month with more divorces? The science explains it to you.
For many people, January marks the beginning of a new cycle and hopes, after the Christmas holidays.
However, the first month of the year is also a symbol of crisis in some couples, so much so that it sometimes leads to separation.
Given this scenario, specialists indicate that January is the “month of divorce.”
Divorce (Unsplash)
January is the month with the most divorces, this explains science
The University of Washington conducted a study in 2016, where he discovered that during the first business Monday in January This is when most divorce requests are received.
Even topics that have to do with couple separation and searches for legal consultation increase in previous days.
According to experts, this phenomenon occurs in January because some people consider the beginning of a new year as an opportunity to turn their love life around.
For their part, psychologists detail that this situation could be the product of an “emotional hangover” that occurs after the Christmas holidays.
Let’s remember that in December unresolved emotions and problems stop. However, they resurface again, leading couples to divorce.
Some experts mention that the factors that cause couples to separate in January are:
- Financial problems during the holidays and the expenses they entail
- Lack of connection or solution to emotional problems during the holidays

Divorce (Unsplash)
What to do when faced with a divorce? This is what specialists recommend
And divorce It can generate various sentimental, economic and legal difficulties for those who experience it.
On an economic level, a separation is sometimes costly if there are material assets in dispute.
For this reason, specialists recommend that mediation be sought before starting the divorce process.
Likewise, if you have children, it is best to focus on their well-being to seek shared parenting so as not to generate a negative emotional impact.
In sentimental terms, experts ask to seek professional help in case you cannot adequately process the emotions during the divorce.

Divorce (Unsplash)