Israeli Businessman’s Daughter Killed in Tragic Music Festival Massacre

by time news

Tel Aviv – Eyal Waldman, an Israeli businessman known for his efforts to employ Palestinians, has tragically lost his youngest daughter, 24-year-old Danielle Waldman, in a massacre that took place at the Supernova trance music festival. The festival, located in the southern Israeli desert, was invaded by Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip on October 7.

Danielle, a California native, was attending the festival with her boyfriend, Noam Shai, when they were fatally shot while attempting to flee the chaos caused by the surprise attack. Israeli officials have reported that at least 260 festivalgoers were killed in the incident.

Eyal Waldman, heartbroken by the loss of his daughter, expressed his grief during an interview with CBS News foreign correspondent Charlie D’Agata. “Today, we buried my daughter, my youngest daughter, Danielle,” Waldman lamented. “She was an amazing girl, only 24, and never done anything bad to anyone.”

Shocking footage of the couple’s bullet-riddled car revealed the intensity of the attack, which saw them being ambushed by five terrorists from two sides, with three attackers coming from behind.

In December 2019, Eyal Waldman had been featured on the news program “60 Minutes,” where he discussed his efforts to build bridges between Israelis and Palestinians by employing Palestinians in the West Bank for his computer chip company. In the interview, Waldman expressed his desire for peace but also made a stern warning, saying, “I want to engage with the Palestinians. But if I think you are threatening any of what’s important to me, I will kill you.”

Now, faced with the devastating loss of his daughter, the former Israeli commando is demanding justice. “For the short term, we need to resolve this thing,” Waldman declared. “Maybe not in a peaceful way. And we need to show force, and we need to be strong.”

The tragic loss of Danielle Waldman has sent shockwaves through the community, highlighting the harsh reality of the ongoing conflict in the region. As the investigation into the music festival massacre continues, many are left wondering how the violence can be stopped and peace restored in the region.

(Watch the full story below)

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