After a year of Covid, 6 out of 10 students fail the dad

by time news – Dad ‘rejected’ by 6 out of 10 students. This is what emerges from a survey conducted by the portal with the national association Di.Te. (Technological dependencies, Gap, cyberbullismo), out of 10 thousand students between the ages of 11 and 19: 62% of the 10,000 children interviewed gave, in fact, a negative opinion on distance learning for various reasons such as distractions, low grades and poorly prepared teachers from the point of view technological.

The dad it is not convincing above all because the students seem to have lost the motivation to follow the lessons, also accomplices teachers who would not have been able to organize stimulating lessons: almost half of the interviewees say this (48.6%). An aspect that has had an almost obvious consequence: a drop in performance compared to what would be achieved in the presence, perceived as “clearly” or “slightly” worsened by 28.7% of students.

But perhaps, the rejection of the dad is also the result of the many distractions that, staying away from prying eyes, many young people have granted themselves independently, especially through the tools of messaging: 58% of teens, for example, said they used app come whatsapp and the like to have exchanges with classmates or friends during lessons.

Ma la lack of concentration and attention is not always the ‘fault’ of the boys. There are also structural conditions: many students, in fact, say they were unable to follow the school online because they were distracted (58%) or interrupted (51.4%) by other people in the house. Furthermore, 15% of the interviewees said they could never or almost never count on a private space to follow the dad.

And then there are interruptions due to connection problems: 36.8% of the sample came across it more than once, “often” or “always” 32.3%. A contribution, however, also comes from the lack of adaptation of teachers to the new way of teaching: only 9.1% of the students interviewed believe that all (or almost all) teachers really know how to teach in dad, to which is added a 23.5% who at least saves the majority but still rejects more than one.

“We can’t fail the dad a priori – says Daniele Weather in Grassucci, director of – where you are lucky enough to have trained teachers available, connectivity, Adequate Spaces At Home, A Disciplined Classroom Group Learning at home can work even better than face-to-face learning. However, for 3 out of 10 students who claim to have achieved better school performance, there are just as many who have deteriorated. Furthermore, the data show that, beyond the school grades, the damage that young people are suffering in their growth are profound and should not be ignored. Well then – he adds – the commitment of the Government aimed at returning to class, hoping that the percentage will grow more and more based on the trend of infections and the effective possibilities of the institutions “.

The long period of the dad however, it also had heavy negative implications on children’s habits and their lifestyle. Since the start of the pandemic, some have even started using drugs (9%), alcohol (almost 18%) and smoking (12%). Furthermore, among those who already used these substances, there was a net increase in the consumption of drugs for 10%, alcohol for 6% and cigarettes for 16%. And there are those who confess a slight increase in consumption: 12% for what concerns alcohol and drugs, almost 20% for alcohol.

But that’s not all: they are change your eating habits, with 50% of teenagers saying they have increased their food consumption during the last few months of being closed at home. And, again, if about a third of children (36%) say they have slept more hours, 44% admit they sleep fewer hours than they did before the pandemic and distance learning.

“These are just some of the reflections of a discomfort that has been going on for a long time – observes Giuseppe Lavenia, psychologist, psychotherapist and president of the National Di.Te. – sleeping more can reveal a depressive state, while sleeping less or intermittently can underlie an anxious state. The malaise of young people is perceptible – continues the expert – and it is more than urgent to intervene as soon as possible to contain it, contain it and reverse the course by taking care of their mental health. In addition to not having had social opportunities, they have also lost many of their relief valves, including sport. If you look at how they experienced the relationship with physical activity, which is essential for circulating endorphins, the hormones of well-being, it is observed that more than half of the interviewees did not do any activity “.

The school in the presence of the rest is also a place where it is better to open people’s minds and hearts, where they learn to interact with others. This is demonstrated by the fact that, during the dad, the students, in addition to perceiving the lessons as not very engaging (more than 76% of them say this), highlighted – in 53.3% of cases – that they never had spaces for sharing their emotional experience. This aspect can only be a problem for the return in presence. Who, for example, has undergone acts of cyberbullismo during the dad – and it happened in 11% of cases – stated that he began to isolate himself voluntarily (in 77% of cases).

“Many kids victims of cyberbullismo with high probability they will find it difficult to return to school: if we do not intervene with a support program designed specifically for schools, we will see an increase in school drop-out “concludes Lavenia.


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