Documents for housing privatization are being electronicized in Azerbaijan.
As Day.Az reports, this issue is reflected in the amendment to the law “On the privatization of housing stock in the Republic of Azerbaijan” discussed today at a meeting of the Milli Majlis.
The draft notes that in accordance with the law “On the State Register of Real Estate”, an amendment to the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the privatization of housing stock in the Republic of Azerbaijan” is carried out based on paragraph 4.2 of the “National Action Plan to Promote “Open Government” for 2020-2022 years”, approved by the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 27, 2020 No. 1859, as well as in accordance with the amendment made to the law “On Administrative Proceedings”, and is aimed at establishing and legal regulation of the sequence of obtaining documents and information about a citizen.
Documents will not be required from the applicant if they are available through the Electronic Government Information System (EHIS).
If documents cannot be obtained through EHIS, they are requested from the appropriate government agency (agency) with the consent of the applicant.
After discussion, the amendment was put to a vote and adopted in the third reading.