John Kelly’s Exclusive Statement: Trump’s Damning Remarks on US Service Members and Veterans

by time news

Former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly has launched a scathing attack on former President Donald Trump, confirming several damning stories about Trump’s derogatory comments toward US service members and veterans. In an exclusive statement to CNN, Kelly spoke out about Trump’s disrespect for those who have served their country, labeling them as “suckers” and “losers.” Kelly also criticized Trump’s lack of understanding and appreciation for the sacrifices made by military personnel.

Kelly’s statement supports previous reports from The Atlantic and a book by Susan Glasser and Peter Baker, which detailed instances of Trump’s disrespectful behavior towards service members. The reports include incidents where Trump questioned the motivations of military personnel and expressed a disdain for wounded veterans. Kelly’s statement offers on-the-record confirmation of these accounts.

The former White House chief of staff also highlighted Trump’s divisive and contemptuous attitude towards various groups, including women, minorities, evangelical Christians, Jews, and working-class Americans. Kelly accused Trump of having no understanding of what America stands for and of showing admiration for autocrats and dictators. He also claimed that Trump had no respect for democratic institutions, the Constitution, or the rule of law.

Kelly concluded his statement by expressing his concern for the future, saying, “There is nothing more that can be said. God help us.”

Following the release of Kelly’s statement, CNN reached out to the Trump campaign for comment. However, instead of addressing the allegations, the campaign attacked the character and credibility of retired Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley, who was not involved in the story.

The revelations from Kelly come after former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson warned the public about the threat Trump poses to democracy in her new book, “Enough.” Hutchinson’s book includes a scene where she and then-White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin push back against The Atlantic’s 2020 story, which reported similar disparaging remarks from Trump towards service members. Griffin, who denied the report at the time, reaffirmed her belief that Trump is unfit to be commander-in-chief, citing his lack of understanding and appreciation for military service.

Kelly’s scathing remarks, along with the statements of other former Trump officials, paint a disturbing picture of the former president’s attitudes and behavior towards the military. It is unprecedented for a presidential candidate to face such criticism from within their own inner circle, further fueling concerns about Trump’s fitness for office and his ability to lead the country.

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