In a statement to MAP, Salma Nafil, police commissioner and deputy head of the recruitment service at the human resources department of the DGSN, indicated that visitors to the said pavilion learn about the conditions required to apply for the various competitions. organized by the Directorate, while learning about the specificities and missions of the profession, as well as the criteria necessary to serve the security of the homeland and citizens.
In this sense, she specified that the presentations offered in the stand offer an in-depth view of the different recruitment paths within the various branches of National Security, as well as the aspects linked to the management of the career of police officials. , in addition to the processes and stages of competition evaluation.
The application procedure takes place online via an electronic platform, accompanied by widespread advertising including television channels and social networks, with the aim of ensuring equal opportunities for all candidates, explained Ms. Nafil.
For his part, Najib Amouhou, head of the provincial security district and teacher at the Royal Police Institute of Kenitra, stressed that the stand aims to raise visitors’ awareness of the importance of training as an essential foundation for the development of skills and professional qualifications of police officers, as well as strengthening the feeling of belonging to this institution.
In this line, he emphasized the imperative of instilling in police officers the values of loyalty, dedication and professional commitment, the ultimate objective being to establish the traditional role of the police officer, of simple agent of maintaining order, to the rank of essential actor capable of meeting the challenges posed by crime and terrorism.
And to add that continuing training gives the police officer the capacity to play an active role in the promotion of sustainable development, given that the security element is intended to be an essential component of intangible capital and constitutes an ally in the consolidation legal achievements, thus allowing all citizens and foreign nationals to fully enjoy their rights and freedoms.
On the other hand, Mr. Amouhou noted that the training provided at the Royal Police Institute of Kénitra, whether initial, continuous or specialized, is based on the strengthening of skills in various legal and professional fields, the integration and the complementarity between theory and practice through field training within decentralized services, as well as monitoring to facilitate the professional integration of qualified police officers.
Continuing training also aims to improve the skills and legal knowledge of serving police officers, he continued, highlighting the DGSN’s commitment to entering into partnerships with national institutions such as the Higher Institute of Magistracy (ISM) and the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) in order to strengthen the professional aptitude of its civil servants in the legal and human rights fields.
In addition, he did not fail to highlight the openness of the DGSN to its international environment through the organization of meetings and training, both in the Kingdom and elsewhere, with the aim of promoting international cooperation and the exchange of security expertise.
This initiative aims to improve practices and modernize the training and qualification system of human capital in order to follow technological developments, he maintained, referring in this regard to the integration by the DGSN of new methods and tools. learning to allow police officers to fully benefit from technological advances.
Furthermore, Mr. Amouhou noted that the DGSN is banking on distance training for the effective transfer of knowledge and skills, while investing in the creation of regional schools across the Kingdom to consolidate the principle of decentralization and establishing foreign language centers to enable learners to acquire language skills in French, English and Spanish.
The activities of the 5th edition of the DGSN JPOs continue until May 21 in Agadir under the theme “National security: citizenship and solidarity”, in commemoration of the 68th anniversary of the creation of National Security.
This citizen initiative aims to inform the public about the modernization efforts put in place by the DGSN to ensure the safety of people and property and preserve public order.