The idea of a candidacy for the Presidency of General Doum-bouillant has the cottages and the elite of the castles talking, in the capital and in the hinterland. Everyone is lost in conjectures. The publication of the preliminary draft of the new Constitution now fuels what is still only a fireside chat, even if a few big guys step up, from time to time, to proclaim their opinions.
Supporters of political groups who aspire to exercise power do not want to hear about the candidacy of those who currently govern us, whoever it may be, with reference to article 46 of the Transition Charter and the words of the President. The article states: “ The President and members of the National Committee of the Rally for Development cannot stand for candidacy either in the national elections or in the local elections which will be organized to mark the end of the Transition. This provision is not subject to any revision. » In doing so, politicians reject the General’s possible candidacy by taking him at his word. Among the inadequacies of the preliminary draft of the Constitution, they note the omission of article 46 of the Charter of the Transition which mentions that the actors of the Transition, including the one who assumes the responsibilities of first magistrate of this period, do not intend to apply for any position whatsoever, during the elections which close this interlude.
The supporters of General Doum-bouillant, the CNRD and the government are standing up against those who criticize the idea of candidacy of the actors of the transition. They have a strong argument: the Constitution cannot discriminate by excluding from the race for the country’s highest office citizens who must all have the pretension of competing. That’s correct. But the Transition Charter, the fundamental law which manages this political interlude, is the source of the controversy. The exegesis of article 46 of the charter is not as simplistic as it seems. If it has its place in the charter of a transition, it is incongruous in a Constitution which itself is stamped with the seal of sustainability. So, the charter having been thought up and developed by the actors of the Transition, was it not inappropriate to include such a commitment, reiterated many times, moreover by the boss himself of the CNRD in decisions taken? public speaking? Let us agree that in politics, facts correct and rectify intentions and desires. Man proposes, Allah disposes. And “hell is paved with good intentions”. Kaa?
Doum-bouillant’s pro and anti candidacy fight back and forth. No matter how much we listen, at the Mohammed V Palace, it is deafening silence. No breath of wind. No rustling of leaves. Nothing galvanizes the lukewarmness of some or cools the impetuosity of others. The tenant of the premises meditates, wisely. We are waiting with weapons at our feet. The arms vigil will be short-lived. The expected or abhorred news is no longer far away. Let everyone learn it with serenity and stoicism. And may the Nation emerge victorious, strong and more united.
Abraham Kayoko Dore
2024-10-14 09:33:00