Karina Milei: the most powerful woman in Argentina

by time news

2023-12-24 13:27:00

What is almost eight years in a person’s life? Sometimes that time does not explain transformations as extraordinary as those of Karina Milei. In 2016 she participated in a television game show. She is currently the most powerful woman in Argentina, above the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich. She is known as ‘The Boss’. The masculinization of the nickname has become naturalized. Her brother, Javier Milei, appointed her general secretary of the Presidency by decree. She is not only her main emotional support but also the fundamental link of the far-right Government.

Very few Argentines know his voice (privileges of a select environment). It’s like a silent figure to which a special gravitation is attributed. He is considered to have had a decisive role in the construction of the electoral project that, almost out of nowhere, reached its zenith. Now he is the executive shadow of the project that seeks to radically transform this country and that has to pass a litmus test with the execution of a draconian economic plan with enormous social impact, as the president himself has admitted. A scenario that perhaps was not in ‘The Boss’ mind when she appeared on the television series ‘Welcome aboard’, accompanied by an immaculate Swiss shepherd, with the illusion of winning a Smart TV spinning a wheel of fortune. The dog, Araon, had to help her by knocking down nine pins. Only five fell.

Christmas shock in Argentina

She reached the screens before capitalist anarcho loudly displayed its histrionics. It was January 29th. She had no luck in the contest, but she did, then, have a minute of notoriety, recovered in a surprising way. “How were you studying?“, presenter Guido Kazcka wanted to know. “Regular“, confessed the contestant. “Weren’t you very good?” The current employee said no. “What do you do?” Graduate in Public Relations. The parents were in the television studio. Kazcka approached with the microphone She tried to find out what was the best about Karina. “Her character,” the mother said. At her side was Don Norberto, who, according to the president’s biography, ‘El Loco’, by Juan Luis González, used to use violence. physically and psychologically against his son during childhood, to the point that Milei, already on his upward path, came to declare that he did not exist for him. “Aaron! Aren’t you looking for a girlfriend?”, the presenter asked the sister. “If you’re looking for a girlfriend, white girl…” she replied, and laughed.

Deliberate muteness

The circulation on social networks of those minutes in ‘Welcome aboard’ had a double effect: on the one hand, Argentines were able to hear her talk about mundane and trivial topics. On the other hand, a timeline was drawn on the screens between that distant and insignificant scene and a completely different present. That anonymous participant in that entertainment series, the graduate and pastry chef excited to bring a TV to her house, now looks nothing like this one. woman who controls the levers of presidential management.

If something characterizes ‘The Boss’ it is not only his deliberate muteness but his low profile. He moves behind the scenes, but with a decision-making capacity that arouses fear among other collaborators. He has known how to exonerate and reward. To the former students of sculpture fond of reiki, once the owner of a tire business, since December 10, has had the task of chiseling a structure of a Government that, according to her brother, is in turn protected by “the forces of heaven.” He has no mercy for those who are unable to live up to such an adventure.

Interspecies communication

The tasks of management They are complemented by activities that resist the logic of traditional politics. It occupies a relevant place in state rituals. She accompanied her brother at the assumption ceremony, as if it were a a first lady exceptional. It is not ruled out that he will occupy that role again during a trip by the president. Fatima Florez, The imitator of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and at the same time Milei’s girlfriend for a few months, does not seem destined to fulfill that role for the moment. The press assures that there are no rivalries between the two.

He Argentine political dramaannouncer social storms on the horizon, there is a hilarious chapter in the Milei biographies for many. González says that Karina never cut off her relationship with her parents and, as a good mediator in the making, she managed to reunite the family again, two years after participating in the television contest. It was she who hired Celia Liliana Melamed, a specialist in “interspecies communication” who brought from the afterlife Conan, the dog that the economist had lost and who lives through the five mastiffs cloned from him. Karina, her sister, “would end up training with Melamed until she developed the same skill,” says González.

On his way to the presidency, mercy He never hesitated to assign ‘The Boss’ a merit superior to his own. And to explain it, he remembered the difference between Moses and Aaron. The sister’s task could be equated to that of the Prophet, according to her arguments. He, on the other hand, would only be the disseminator of biblical teachings. Consequently, she had named her white Swiss shepherd Aaron.

#Karina #Milei #powerful #woman #Argentina

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