Kathy McCabe, renowned Italian travel expert and PBS host, is set to captivate audiences with her new series, “Dream of Europe,” premiering on January 18, 2025. Following the success of her acclaimed show “Dream of Italy,” McCabe will take viewers on a journey through Europe, showcasing the rich cultures, stunning landscapes, and vibrant traditions of various regions. The series promises to connect audiences with local artisans, chefs, and historians, offering an authentic glimpse into the heart of european life. As America’s leading Italy travel influencer,McCabe continues to inspire wanderlust in millions,making “dream of Europe” a must-watch for travel enthusiasts and culture lovers alike. For more information, visit Dream of Italy.
Exploring Europe with Kathy McCabe: A Conversation on “Dream of Europe”
Time.news Editor: Kathy, your upcoming series “Dream of Europe” is highly anticipated. Can you share what inspired you to create this show following the success of “Dream of Italy”?
Kathy McCabe: Absolutely! I’ve always had a deep connection to Europe, and after the wonderful response to “Dream of Italy,” I felt it was time to expand that adventure. “Dream of Europe” allows me to explore a broader tapestry of cultures,landscapes,and experiences that the continent has to offer. It’s about connecting with local artisans, chefs, and historians and diving into the hidden gems that frequently enough go unnoticed.
Editor: That sounds incredible! Can you give us a sneak peek into some of the locations you’ll be featuring in the series?
Kathy McCabe: Certainly! The series will take viewers from the serene vistas of Lake Annecy in France to the unique vibes of Albania and Malta. We’ll visit iconic cities like London, while also engaging in local activities, such as the Color Walk at Spitalfields Market. Each episode promises unique stories that highlight the heart of European life.
Editor: It’s fantastic to hear about the emphasis on local experiences.What impact do you think shows like this have on travel trends and audience perceptions of European culture?
Kathy McCabe: Shows like “Dream of Europe” have the potential to reshape how people view travel. We’re moving past the conventional tourist paths and uncovering the authenticity of each region, which really resonates with today’s travelers.by showcasing local traditions and stories, we encourage viewers to embrace cultural diversity and support local economies through mindful tourism.
Editor: In an age where people are often inundated with choices, what practical advice would you give to those planning their travels in Europe?
Kathy McCabe: My advice is to prioritize authenticity over convenience. Do your research and seek out local experiences instead of just popular tourist attractions. Engage with the community, whether through cooking classes, artisan workshops, or even simply connecting with locals at a market. This not only enriches your travel experience but also fosters a deeper gratitude for the culture you’re exploring.
Editor: As a renowned travel influencer, how do you feel about the responsibility that comes with your platform, especially in promoting lasting travel?
Kathy McCabe: It’s absolutely a responsibility I take seriously. With “Dream of Europe,” I aim to not only inspire wanderlust but to promote sustainable travel practices. This means highlighting the importance of protecting the local environments and cultures we visit. I believe that travelers can make a positive impact when they choose to travel mindfully and with respect.
Editor: “Dream of Europe” premieres on PBS on January 18, 2025. What can audiences look forward to in terms of production quality and storytelling?
Kathy McCabe: Viewers can expect a visually stunning experience paired with heartfelt narratives. Our production team has worked diligently to capture each destination’s essence,ensuring that the beauty and richness of the cultures are represented authentically.I believe storytelling is at the heart of any good travel show, and we’ve woven together personal encounters and local insights that invite viewers along for the journey.
editor: Thank you for sharing your insights, Kathy. We look forward to watching “Dream of Europe.” It’s bound to inspire many to explore the vibrant cultures of Europe.
Kathy McCabe: Thank you! I can’t wait for everyone to join me on this journey. For more details,you can check out my website and stay tuned for the premiere!