BOLZANO. “My work is characterized by independence and correctness. It has always been like this and will continue to be like this.” The president of the Province of Bolzano wrote it in a post on social media in the evening Arno Kompatscherregarding the investigation by the Trento Prosecutor’s office into business and politics.
Kompatscher – we remind you – is not under investigation. According to the investigators, he is cited by the accountant Heinz Peter Hager on several occasions as one of his privileged interlocutors.
Precisely in this regard, the governor today publicly asked the investigators to publish the entire chat, which appears in the investigators’ documents, to shed full light on his position. The president would in fact have been a member of one chat called “christmas Dinner” together with a series of politicians and entrepreneurs, among them the Bolzano accountant Heinz Peter Hager who is currently under house arrest.
Thus Hager – according to the investigators – on several occasions boasted of a certain closeness to the governor.By publishing the entire chat - kompatscher told Rai Alto Adige – it would be seen “that there is nothing criticizable in my behaviour”. “I have never received funding from Hager because all the funding from entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs, given that even ordinary citizens gave their contribution, went to the party, as required by law.” “By law – he continued – the parties must finance themselves through donations. It was a good choice to abolish the public financing of parties? The law says that citizens must finance them. Can I say: you yes, you no? I don’t think this is the solution”, concludes kompatscher.
The. also intervened in the investigation Svp: “The allegations that emerged from the investigations are serious. However, the documented facts have so far been unclear. We have the utmost confidence in the judiciary and are convinced that the facts will be entirely clarified”, says President SVP Dieter Steger. “It is important to underline that no active member of the Volkspartei is under investigation. The same applies to the party, which is not the subject of any investigation. All processes relating to the financial management of the 2018 provincial election campaign have been examined by various supervisory bodies at the state and provincial and declared correct and compliant with the law”, concludes steger.