“During an awards ceremony which took place at the CGEM headquarters in Casablanca, nine (09) subsidiary companies of the Al Omrane Group were awarded the RSE-CGEM LABEL Trophy. This ceremony chaired by Mr. Chakib Alj, President of the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises, and the General Directors of the subsidiary companies, awarded the Group for socially responsible initiatives,” indicates a press release. of the group.
For the first time, a public group in the housing and territorial planning sector was rewarded for its various socially responsible actions and the promotion of sustainable development, notes the same source.
Indeed, in line with the High Royal Guidelines and the expectations of the Ministry of National Territorial Planning, Town Planning, Housing and City Policy which supports and promotes such initiatives, the Al Group Omrane, a major public player in the national socio-economic landscape, has continued to undertake eco-citizen initiatives and activities.
The group aspires to conform its sustainable development practices to the best national and international standards, as part of a socially responsible approach. This approach converges perfectly with the Group’s new vision oriented in favor of the “CITIZEN”, to guarantee greater proximity, transparency and quality of service.
Al Omrane is thus committed to integrating and promoting the values and principles of Social Responsibility by working to reconcile the increase in its economic performance, the reduction of the ecological footprint of its projects and the search for social equity while by adapting to the expectations of its various institutional partners and “CITIZENS”.