Latinopoulou: Samaras or Karamanlis for PtD

by time news

The MEP and president of “Voice of Reason“, Aphrodite Latinopoulou, gave an interview on the channel Nautemporiki and the show “On Politics”, with Filippos Filippakopoulos.

Referring to the issue of immigration, Mr Latinopoulou said: “Of course, it is a more important issue in Europe at the moment. As the Voice of Reason, we emphasized before the election that this is the biggest bet for Europe in the coming years. The same – identical and now that Frontex, with its new report, declares that the flow of illegal immigration to Europe will increase significantly and Greece, which is the first country to receive illegal immigrants, Europe must play a “dirty” game of Turkey to finally understand but also that he must finally give all the supplies to Greece, so that she can seal her borders and we can finally implement the proposals of the Voice of Reason in Greece. Closed centers on uninhabited islands, seven-sealed islands and natural disincentives”.

He praised the Meloni-Rama agreement to establish migrant centers in Albania, saying “suddenly now some people are talking about Mrs. Meloni, once known as the far right. What we are saying is that eventually there should be interstate agreements with Africa, with some areas there, so that they are moved to closed centers through interstate agreements. Therefore, even if someone enters, for example, Greece, they are arrested, temporarily transferred to closed centers and from there they are deported to areas in Africa”.

He then criticized the prime minister on immigration, noting that “we have a prime minister who is a friend of multiculturalism”, adding that “perhaps these images are not something unpleasant, as They to the residents of these areas like Panteleimonas or in Sepolia when the knives come out and Mrs. Vultepsi boldly comes out and tells us “okay, it was children.” So, here it needs to be addressed. People who live in the northern suburbs, in Ekali, in Psychiko, can’t have an idea about areas they don’t even know where they are on the map.”

Commenting on the statements of the representative of the government and the press representative of the ND, which he characterized as “extremely right”, Mr. Latinopoulou said: “The truth always hurts. I always learned to tell the truth. When there is a dearth of arguments, they start and take out the labels of the extreme right. There is no great right. It is just the hard truth, unfortunately the government of Mr. Mitsotakis, as well as his employees, cannot tolerate. What they are trying to do is to cover up their failure and lack of strategic planning regarding the most important problems facing Greek society at the moment, such as illegal immigration, the rise of violence, the rise of crime.”

She repeated her proposal regarding the Presidency of the Republic, and she preferred the names of former Prime Ministers Antonis Samaras and Mr. Costas Karamanlis. “This is my opinion and I have clearly justified it several times, saying that Mr. Mitsotakis alone was responsible for the failed experiment for the presidency of Mrs. Sakellaropoulou. He clearly failed. We will remember her as a failed President of the Republic. And in this highest state institution I would like to see one of the two, who currently stands for the principles and ideals that we also stand for as the Voice of Reason, ie the country, the faith and the family”.

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