Lee Soon-jae ⓒ News1″/>
Lee Soon-jae, who was unable to perform on stage in the play ‘Waiting for Godot‘ due to health issues, eventually decided to withdraw.
Park Company, a theater production company, said on the 18th, “We sincerely thank the audience for their support and concern for Lee Soon-jae and ‘Waiting for Godot.’
He continued, “Teacher Lee Soon-jae received additional advice from her doctor that she needs three months of rest, and in accordance with the wishes of teacher Lee Soon-jae and her agency, we have been forced to cancel all remaining performances.”
The production company said, “We sincerely apologize for causing great disappointment to the audience who have been waiting for the performance for a long time,” and added, “We earnestly ask you to refrain from making speculative articles and rumors regarding the cancellation of the teacher’s performance.”
Previously, the production company canceled the performances from October 13 to 20 due to Lee Soon-jae’s health. At the time, the production company said, “The teacher expressed his will to stand on stage in order to keep his lifelong belief that he must keep his promises to the audience, but the doctor’s strong recommendation that he needed rest and the production company also prioritized the teacher’s health and put the performance on hold. “It has been canceled,” he explained.
Meanwhile, ‘Waiting for Godot’ is a comedy play that tells the story of the main actors in the play ‘Waiting for Godot’, and has been meeting audiences at the Yes 24 Stage in Jongno-gu, Seoul since the 7th of last month. Lee Soon-jae played the role of Ester, Estragon’s stunt double, in the play.
Jo Yoo-kyung, Donga.com reporter polaris27@donga.com