Manufacturing of the first of the five new CAF trains for SFM has been completed

by time news

2023-12-02 00:00:00


Once the coupling of the aluminum structure with the rolling part has been completed, the wiring, interior design and installation of equipment have also been completed and all the cars of the first unit have been coupled. The next step is the functional tests already started at CAF facilities. According to schedule, this unit will be delivered in February 2024, the date on which it will arrive in Mallorca, where the functional tests will continue until its entry into service.

As for the rest of the contract, the other four trains will follow the same process and, once the previous tests at the CAF facilities are completed, they will move to the island during the first half of next year. The forecast is that all of them can progressively enter service during the second half of 2024. The new material that will be added to the current fleet of nineteen trains will allow, in the medium term, to improve the frequencies of the lines that link Palma with Sa Pobla. and Manacor.

The manufacturing of the twenty cars that make up the five units began at the CAF facilities in Zaragoza in November 2022. The contract for the manufacture of these five electric trains, with four cars each, has involved an investment of 54,653,612 euros. (see news).

#Manufacturing #CAF #trains #SFM #completed

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