2024-10-08 09:39:03
Sexualized violence is one of the themes of the new production Like Lovers Do, subtitled Memory of the Medusa, which will be presented by the National Theater in Brno this Friday. It brings the ancient myth of Medusa, raped and turned into a monster, into the present, opening up new possibilities for interpretation.
In Greek myth, Medusa was punished for being raped by the god Poseidon. The game, inspired by her fate, depicts the struggle with trauma and explores how the past shapes the present when people, for example, adopt violent patterns. It points to the universal experience of victims throughout history, said theater spokesman Petr Tlustý. Friday’s premiere in Brno’s Reduta is followed by the nearest reruns on October 5 and 12.
Like Lovers Do was written in 2021 by Israeli playwright Sivan Ben Yishai. Her texts are regularly presented by Berlin’s Maxim Gorki Theater, where she works as a resident author and director. He has been dealing with themes of intimacy, violence or male domination for a long time.
The creators from Brno warn in advance that Like Lovers Do is a more radical game than the visitors are used to. He does not take napkins and talks about complex and painful things without embellishment. This is also why it is intended for viewers over the age of 16.
“It’s not a play only for victims or only against rapists. I would very much like the production to support people who latently feel the topic, but haven’t dealt with it much or didn’t need to deal with it, because they are lucky to be doing well,” she says director Aminata Keita.
It connects the radical engagement of the design with poetics. On stage, he uses expressive movement, dance or musical elements. Last year, she worked on a similar theme in the production of the play Feminista by the writer Marek Šindelka. “Feminista certainly gave me the courage to speak openly about violence and inequality, which are themes that Like Lovers Do develops in a radical and uncompromising form. While Feminista is a debate on the given topic, Like Lovers Do is a concert, a song that flows through cultures throughout the millennia ,” compares the director.
Kateřina Liďáková, Isabela Smečka, Tereza Groszmannová or Anna Glässnerová play in the new movie. The theater also prepared a rich accompanying program for it. Since September, you can see an exhibition in Reduta with the stories of specific people who have experienced domestic violence or, on the contrary, have committed it themselves. It was lent by the organization Spondea. Each performance is followed by meetings and debates on the topics of sexualized and domestic violence, gender inequality or feminism.
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