“Mental Health Problems Behind Billions in Sick Day Costs for UK Businesses, New Research Shows”

by time news

2023-04-26 20:20:10

London – (dpa):

New research shows that mental health problems are Currently the main reason behind sick holidays in Britain, which costs owners Business billions of sterling.

And according to what was reported by Bloomberg News, citing the research, today, Wednesday, Absence days amounted to 85 million during the last quarter of 2022. The loss is estimated at 12.3 billion pounds. She had mental health problems The reason for about 20 percent of these absences.

And the analysis prepared by the “Good Ship” institution, which provides consultancy in the field of The performance of employees, their health and well-being, that the health crisis that erupted during The Corona epidemic period, it got worse two years after lifting the anti-epidemic restrictions.

The research pointed to increased burdens on employers who are already struggling with In order to find staff, after hundreds of thousands have been out of the workforce since the pandemic, Many of them have taken sick leave.

The pressures on employers led to an increase in salaries, and also contributed to the rise in wages Inflation rate, negative effects on the rate of productivity, which has been growing slowly since The financial crisis that occurred 15 years ago. National Bureau figures have been shown Statistics in Britain today, Wednesday, showed that worker productivity fell by 0.2 percent since the last quarter of last year, compared to the corresponding quarter from the year before it.

#Mental #health #leading #sick #leave #Britain

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