Javier Miley used his account on the social networkI would love to put the last nail in the drawer of Kirchnerism with Cristina Kirchner inside“. The vice president responded this Monday morning by asking Milei: “So now you want to kill me too?”
A few hours late, Milei also used his It seems like you have a harder time understanding a simple metaphor. to show your law degree and/or their successful cases that support their immense fortune or understand some economic theory.
“Secondly, I tell you that thanks to those idiotic things (according to you) that I repeated for years, we are lowering inflation.“, Milei continued. “In fact, the wholesale went from 54% to 2%, while the retail went from 25.5% to 3.5% therefore, it seems that we are doing much better than your government, since every time you were at the head of the administration you always exceeded the inflation of your predecessor.”
Authoritarians don’t like this
The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That is why it bothers those who believe they are the owners of the truth.
Cristina Kirchner responded to Javier Milei: “So now you want to kill me?”
Referring to the announced closure of the Central Bank to which the former president referred, Milei explained “Before closing it, so that it does not lead to hyperactivity, it must be cleanedsuch that the assets are recomposed and thus be able to redeem the liabilities. In that sense, I tell you, the LEFI and the LECAPS are debt that should always have been at the head of the treasury (since you financed the deficit with issuance and the BCRA placed securities to try to mitigate the short-term inflationary impact).
“At the same time I tell him that You left debt for SIRAs and Dividends for USD 60,000 million and negative RIN for USD 11,500 million y an unacknowledged loss for USD 45,000 million“Milei added. “So if we haven’t closed it yet, it’s because we’re fixing this disaster that his management caused. But have no doubt that today we are much closer to doing so than you can understand. At the same time, since you have an (incorrect) point on the issue of debt, I tell you that in these 10 months we have reduced it by USD 46,000 million.”
“I tell you that the best social policy is to lower inflation (something we are doing) and create genuine employment (unlike you who covered the lack of genuine job creation with militant gnocchi in the State), something we are working on every day via respect for property rights, lowering inflation, removing regulations, making structural reforms and lowering country risk. What’s more, if you review the recent work of González Rosada of the UTDT, you will see that. We have reduced poverty from 57% (the result of being honest about the disaster that you left) to 49%“.
And he closed: “I appreciate your posts in two directions: (1) reveals their ignorance and incompetence to carry out the destinies of a countryunless its objective is to destroy it; and (2) it allows me to enjoy the pleasure of teaching. “I look forward to her next barbarity.”
Kirchnerism repudiated Javier Milei’s phrases about Cristina Kirchner’s “cajón”: “Democracy is in danger”
Milei in an interview on TN: “I would love to put the last nail in the drawer of Kirchnerism with Cristina Kirchner inside”
It all started when in an interview on the TN channel Milei said that she would like put “the last nail in the drawer of Kirchnerism” with Cristina Kirchner “inside”.
Speaking about the political confrontation between the former president and the governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, the president said that “it is not a problem” for him but added: “It is not a problem for me. It is a problem for the opposition. Also There is a part of morbidity. I would love to put the last nail in the drawer of Kirchnerism with Cristina Kirchner inside“.
“Those who were eating popcorn waiting for us to fall in April must be quite fat, very overweight,” he said. “Apart from the jokes, we are convinced that we are having the best government in history. We received an extremely complex situation. Argentina condensed the imbalances of the three great crises that we suffered. And we lowered inflation to 28%. And it will continue to go down, have no doubts. We had the disinflation process never before seen in Argentine history,” Milei emphasized.
Cristina Kirchner’s response came through X: “So now you also want to kill me?”
“So now you want to kill me too?” Cristina Kirchner asked herself through her X account and continued: “You’re nervous and aggressive because all the stupid things you said on TV for years and still keep repeating are just that: stupid.”.
In an extensive message published in
“And since you don’t have the faintest idea of what the management of the State is, you ended up asking Macri for help. It turns out that you were going to dollarize and you ended up copying the dollar table from Martínez de Hoz; and we have it again from Toto Caputo with the carry trade, where the financial sectors are taking it with a shovel. I thought you only did plagiarism with books“, Cristina Kirchner ironically.
Along the same lines, he detailed: “You said that you were going to close the Central Bank and you ended up transferring its liabilities to the Argentine State with the LEFI and the LECAPS that are generating monthly interest for more than 2 billion pesos and creating a ball that, when it explodes “It’s better not to be around.”
Milei: “I would love to put the last nail in the drawer of Kirchnerism, with CFK inside”
“It would be nice if, instead of insulting me left and right and threatening me with my death, you would find a way for the Argentines to They can eat four times a day again and at home, their children can grow up healthy so they can study and progress, and the elderly can have their remedies to be able to live.“he stressed.
Likewise, in a clear insult to Patricia Bullrich, the former vice president stated: “There was a time in Argentina when it was thought that the death of the adversary was the solution. From that time you can ask your Minister of Security who, of that, he can teach”.
“So stop threatening and learn to manage the Statebecause do you know something Javier Gerardo Milei? Even if they kill me and not even ashes remain of me… your government is a failure and you as President embarrass others,” he asserted.
Finally, the former head of the Senate held the president and the media that “have enabled speeches of unlimited violence (which finally end with an attempted shot in the head)” responsible for her physical integrity and that of other Peronists and members of other opposition forces.
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