Signed by the First President of the Court of Cassation, Deputy President of the Superior Council of the Judicial Power, Mohamed Abdennabaoui and the President of the Judicial Power in Peru, Javier Arévalo Vela, this MoU aims to exchange experiences and expertise between the two judicial powers in areas of common interest and to strengthen the capacities of judges from both countries in various areas.
This memorandum concerns the implementation of commitments and mutual missions between the two parties in areas falling within their competence and the strengthening of management and coordination mechanisms, as well as the consolidation of bilateral cooperation through the sharing of experiences on judicial issues, through the organization of conferences, study days, symposia and bilateral and multilateral forums.
The document also provides for mutual support and the development of procedures and coordination strategies to combat cross-border crime, cybercrime and crimes committed against vulnerable people, in addition to electronic procedures, specialized courts, the organization of mutual visits and high-level training sessions in the judicial field as well as the strengthening of technical cooperation in the administrative and financial fields.
In a statement to the press, Mr. Arévalo Vela stressed that his visit to Morocco aims to strengthen relations between the two countries in the judicial field, expressing his country’s desire to further consolidate cooperation ties with the Kingdom, ” a friendly country of Peru, with which it maintains very positive relations”.
For his part, Mohamed Nasser, member of the High Council of the Judicial Power, noted that this MoU will make it possible to strengthen the skills of judges from the two countries and to share good practices, particularly in areas of common interest.