Mortal Kombat 1 DLC Update: Johnny Cage Replaced by Janet Cage in Kombat Pack 1

by time news

Title: Mortal Kombat Reveals Updates on Kombat Pack 1, Introduces Janet Cage as DLC Fighter

Introduction: Fans of Mortal Kombat and Invincible were in for a treat as NetherRealm Studios released a new trailer showcasing Omni-Man. Alongside this, the studio revealed important updates about Mortal Kombat 1’s first Kombat Pack, including a surprising change in the line-up of fighters.

In-Depth Details:

NetherRealm Studios unveiled additional information about the highly anticipated Kombat Pack 1 in their detailed press release. Notably, the release revealed that Johnny Cage will no longer be a part of the DLC. Instead, his spot has been given to Janet Cage, leaving fans curious about this new addition to the roster.

The press release also provided release window information, with Tremor confirmed to join Omni-Man in November. For the other DLC fighters in Kombat Pack 1, Quan Chi and Peacemaker are set for release in winter 2023/2024, Ermac and Homelander in spring 2024, and Takeda Takahashi in summer 2024. It is important to note that although some fighters share the same release window, it is likely they will not be launched simultaneously.

Janet Cage’s inclusion as part of the DLC has left fans with questions. **Spoilers for Mortal Kombat 1 Story Mode ahead** In the final chapter of MK1’s cinematic story mode, Janet Cage emerges as a parallel timeline fighter encountered by players. She appears to be a gender-swapped version of Johnny Cage, though NetherRealm Studios may further develop her character now that she is being introduced as an assist in the game.

This is not the first time NetherRealm Studios has seemingly altered their DLC plans after initial announcements. Mortal Kombat 11 also faced a similar situation when Evil Dead’s Ash Williams was initially confirmed for the game but was ultimately replaced by Batman’s Joker. It remains unclear whether the decision to include Janet instead of Johnny was made after the fact, or if it was a calculated choice to avoid spoiling story twists.

Despite the exciting news, specific release windows for Janet and the other Kameo fighters (Ferra, Khameleon, and Mavado) have not been disclosed. However, it is likely that they will be released alongside the main DLC fighters in due time.


Fans of Mortal Kombat and Invincible were thrilled to witness the first look at Omni-Man in a new trailer. NetherRealm Studios also announced intriguing updates about Mortal Kombat 1’s Kombat Pack 1, including the replacement of Johnny Cage with Janet Cage as a DLC fighter. As fans eagerly await the release of these new additions, the studio’s decision to alter their plans has left many speculating about the reasons behind it.

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