motomami | FundéuRAE

by time news

2023-07-31 11:08:40

According to Spelling of the Spanish language, the titles of creative works, be they books, records, films, paintings, radio or television programs…, are written in italics and in lower case, except for the initial of the first word and proper names if they include any: «There is no doubt about what Motomami It’s one of the albums of the year.”

On the other hand, the pieces or texts that can function autonomously, but that form part of a larger work that, in turn, has its own title (such as the poems or stories in a book, the songs in an album or the articles of a publication), they are written with an initial capital letter only in the first word. In addition, to delimit their extension, they are written in quotation marks when they are cited next to the title of the work to which they belong («The song “Motomami” is included on the album Motomami») and between quotation marks or in italics when they are cited alone («Of course, Rosalía sang Motomami y Just in case» or «His favorite songs are “Motomami” and “With height”»).

On the other hand, if the name of the tour, which in this case coincides with that of the title of the album and that of one of the songs on it, is considered to allude to an event, it is written in full and with an initial capital letter in the significant terms (“Rosalía ends her Motomami tour in Paris”). However, as pointed out RAE’s Twitter accountit is usual to find it in italics as a work of creation (“Rosalía says goodbye to her tour Motomami in the French capital”).

Now if the word motomami It is used as a common noun to refer to a woman of a certain way of being, it is appropriate to write it with a lowercase initial and it will make the regular plural motomamis. It is a voice well formed by moto y mami, and, although it is not necessary to highlight it with quotation marks, it is up to the writer to opt for this resource to underline the novelty of the term: «This is how an authentic motomami dresses and moves». Examples with an adjectival meaning are also documented, as in «We have been able to see the artist with a very motomami style».

#motomami #FundéuRAE

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