Mount Merapi Slope Tourism Not Closed Even though Eruptions Continue to Occur

by time news

CONDITIONS Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta for the past two days has continued to emit hot clouds. However, a number of tourist areas on the slopes of Mount Merapi are still running normally.

So far, the Sleman Regency Government has not closed any tourism objects around the area. Only two tourist areas are currently closed. Namely, Mount Merapi National Park decided to close the Muncar and Kalikuning – Plunyon natural attractions in the Sleman area and the Jero Gorge in Magelang.

“As previously stated that until now there has been no effort to close it, except for the management who initiated each tourist village or tourist destination to close, but until now tourism is still open,” said Ishadi Yazid/Head of the Sleman Regency Tourism Office , Sunday (12/3).

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“With a note at the gate our officers from the Tourism Office always inform visitors of current conditions, so when continuing their tour we urge them to always be careful and alert, always follow directions from officers in the field.”

From monitoring in the field, the tourism manager admitted that if necessary, they would not make a problem of closing it. Likewise, the operation of the jeep lava tour on the slopes of Mount Merapi is still running. However, the jeep operation is away from the area of ​​7 kilometers and does not approach the river channels that disgorge at the top of Mount Merapi.

Also read: How to Protect Yourself in Conditions of Volcanic Ash Rain

Indeed, until now the Kaliurang lavatour tour jeep is still operating, as well as the Kaliurang tourist area also continues to receive tourist visits.

“Actually, the condition of tourism in Kaliurang itself is still safe to visit because from the relevant agencies, the BPPTKG from the Tourism Office, the BPBD has not closed for tours in Kaliurang, especially for jeep lava tours. very safe to visit,” said Agung Wibowo, a tourist jeep driver. (Z-3)

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