NASA chooses a Jeff Bezos ship to take its astronauts to the Moon

by time news

2023-05-19 17:53:07

Receive 3,400 million to manufacture the Blue Moon module


The founder of Amazon and owner of Blue Origin sued NASA when it chose Elon Musk’s company to build the Artemis 3 lunar module. Now, it has won the contract to manufacture a second module, which it has named Blue Moon

Artist’s recreation of the Blue Moon moduleBLUE ORIGIN

Jeff Bezos is used to getting what he wants and although the Moon had resisted him, he has finally managed to make his name go down in the history of the space race as part of Artemis, the program to return to our satellite.

NASA has awarded Bezos’s aerospace company, Blue Origin, the contract to develop a second lunar module that will carry its astronauts to the satellite starting at Artemis 5. Bezos’ company will build its lunar module called Blue Moon, in partnership with veterans Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Draper and Astrobotic.

With this same Blue Moon module, Bezos attended NASA’s first call to build the module that will carry the astronauts of the Artemis 3 mission, the first to return to transport humans to the Moon since the Apollo program ended in 1972. .

To Bezos’ chagrin, the winner of the first contest was Elon Musk, owner of SpaceX, who got NASA to choose his Lunar Starship module (a version of the same ship that he first tested alongside the Super Heavy rocket a few weeks ago. Despite As soon as it got off the ground, the ship couldn’t separate from the rocket and exploded.

Jeff Bezos appealed his rival’s choice, but after a long judicial process, the courts agreed with NASA and it was confirmed that SpaceX will manufacture the module for Artemis 3, which will not be launched before 2025.

A few months ago, NASA called a new contest to develop a second module that would serve its crew members on future Artemis missions, which Jeff Bezos’ company has managed to win.

The contract, totaling $3.4 billion, includes an unmanned test mission to the lunar surface, to be followed by another manned mission, Artemis 5, in 2029.

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