NASA Curiosity Rover On Mars Wheel Damage Big Hole Photo Latest News- NASA’s Rover suffered big damage on Mars, a hole was formed in the wheel while moving, yet scientists are not worried.

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Washington: NASA’s <a href="" title="Curiosity detects methane on Mars because it releases it with its weight”>Curiosity Rover is present on Mars. But its wheels appear to be ‘punctured’. New pictures from NASA show that there are many big holes in the wheels of the Mars Rover. This rover has been roaming on Mars for 12 years. These pictures show the damage done to the robot. The Curiosity rover first reached Mars on August 5, 2012. Initially it was expected to operate for only two years. But this rover proved its strength and exceeded expectations. It has spent 4323 Mars days on the Red Planet. Gale has so far traveled more than 32 km around the crater. Originally it had landed in this crater. During this time, scientists studied Mars through the Curiosity Rover. Searching for signs of alien life forms and observing the past of the Sun. The rover has also seen many unique things. One of these is a book-shaped rock, a mineral flower.

hole in rover’s wheel

The image, taken by Curiosity’s Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI), was released by NASA on September 24. It shows that due to the long journey, a hole has formed in the right wheel of the rover. The photographs show several large dents in the wheel along with scratches. It also includes a large hole through which the inside of the wheel is visible. However, it is not clear when the holes were first made. No such damage was detected in any other wheel.

Is the rover capable of doing the job?

Mission operations engineer Ashley Stroup said in a statement that the damage may look bad, but despite this, Curiosity is still in good condition. There is no indication that the rover is going to stop in the future. This is not the first time that NASA’s rover wheels have made headlines. In the year 2022, researchers had observed that the wheel of NASA’s Perseverance Rover was carrying a rock with it.

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