Naver “Aims to launch a new news partnership evaluation committee within the year”

by times news cr

[국감현장]Executive Director Kim Soo-hyang “Process of collecting opinions from all walks of life”
Media article AI learning provision unfair terms and conditions issue… “Discussions will continue”

Naver (035420) announced plans to launch a new News Affiliate Evaluation Committee within the year to review news stores.

Naver News Executive Director Kim Soo-hyang responded to a question from Democratic Party of Korea lawmaker Lee Hoon-gi asking, “When will the results of improvements to the Review Committee come out?” during the National Assembly’s Science, Technology, Broadcasting and Communications Committee audit held on the 7th. “We are aiming to launch a new Review Committee within the year.” “We plan to announce the results of the larger framework (improvement plan),” he said.

The Evaluation Committee is a private autonomous organization that has been responsible for selecting and expelling media companies (CP companies) affiliated with portal content under the leadership of Naver and Kakao (035720) in 2015.

It temporarily suspended its activities on May 22 last year as controversy over fairness and ideological bias arose in the deliberation of news outlets, sanctions, and expulsion.

Starting in January of this year, Naver launched the News Innovation Forum comprised of external experts and is discussing improving the activities of the Review Committee.

Regarding the reason for the delay in the announcement of the new review committee, Executive Director Kim explained, “We are collecting various opinions from all walks of life and trying to solve the problems that the existing review committee had, so it is being delayed.”

In response to criticism that Naver News lacks regional diversity, Executive Director Kim said he would improve it through a new review committee.

Regarding the introduction of the ‘outlink selection system’, he said, “We will comprehensively review it with media companies and implement it.”

In response to People Power Party lawmaker Choi Hyeong-du’s question, “Has there ever been any unilateral notification of unfair terms and conditions that allow artificial intelligence (AI) to learn articles provided by media companies?”, he replied, “After going through a revision process and agreeing with media companies, regulations were made.” He said, “We plan to continue discussing with media companies.”

On whether to come up with a compensation plan for copyright infringement of media articles, he replied, “There are parts of the compensation issue that have not yet been accurately resolved even overseas,” and “I will think about it.”

(Seoul = News 1)

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2024-10-07 17:10:33

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